File list
From Slicer Wiki
This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
19:52, 22 June 2012 | PredictModelInterface.png (file) | 52 KB | The interface for the Slicer4.1 LesionSegmentation->PredictLesions module. | 1 | |
19:43, 22 June 2012 | TrainModelInterface.png (file) | 46 KB | The interface panel for the Slicer4.1 LesionSegmentation TrainModel module. | 1 | |
22:25, 29 December 2010 | T1T2PreRegCheckerboard.png (file) | 206 KB | Checkerboard of T1 and T2 image before T2 image has been registered to the T1 (intensities in the T1 have been increased in order to make the image more visible) | 1 | |
22:25, 29 December 2010 | T1T2RegCheckerboard.png (file) | 178 KB | Checkerboard of T1 and T2 image after T2 image has been registered to the T1 (intensities in the T1 have been increased in order to make the image more visible) | 1 | |
16:41, 21 December 2010 | LogitudinalCheckerboardPostReg.png (file) | 265 KB | BRAINSFit UseCase Longitudinal T1 checkerboard post-registration | 1 | |
16:40, 21 December 2010 | LongitudinalCheckerboardPreReg.png (file) | 263 KB | BRAINSFit UseCase Longitudinal T1 checkerboard pre-registration | 1 | |
21:23, 20 December 2010 | MouseCheckerboardPostRegistration.png (file) | 167 KB | BRAINSFit checkerboard example of two mouse brains after registration. | 1 | |
21:22, 20 December 2010 | MouseCheckerboardPreRegistration.png (file) | 173 KB | BRAINSFit checkerboard example of two mouse brains before registration. | 1 | |
22:29, 6 April 2010 | LesionInBrain.jpg (file) | 109 KB | Predicted lesion volume in brain volume | 1 | |
22:02, 6 April 2010 | Predict lesion view.jpg (file) | 103 KB | User interface for the Predict Lesions tool in lesion segmentation applications | 1 | |
21:45, 6 April 2010 | Slicer3Training WhiteMatterLesions v2.3.pdf (file) | 3.95 MB | Training for using the lupus lesion segmentation applications in Slicer 3 | 1 | |
21:38, 6 April 2010 | LesionFlowChart.jpg (file) | 180 KB | Flow chart showing the lesion segmentation method. | 1 |