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This page will document experiments related to the upgrade of Slicer base to VTK6.



Build System

Transition from VTK5 to VTK6

This section documents required change to make Slicer code work with VTK6.

Use SetInputPolyDataConnection and GetPolyDataConnection

Starting with Slicer r24801, support for VTK5 API was removed and VTK6 API should be used.

Error message similar to:

error: ‘class vtkMRMLModelDisplayNode’ has no member named ‘SetInputPolyData’


Replace occurrences of SetInputPolyData/GetPolyData with SetInputPolyDataConnection/GetPolyDataConnection.

Use AllocateScalars

Starting with Slicer r24801, support for VTK5 API was removed and VTK6 API should be used.

Error message similar to:

  error: no matching function for call to ‘vtkImageData::SetNumberOfScalarComponents(int)’


Replace lines like:

 imageData->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(1); // image holds one value intensities		
 imageData->AllocateScalars(); // allocate storage for image data


 imageData->AllocateScalars(VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 1); // allocate storage for image data


  • Check.svg VTK6 has been integrated into Slicer trunk. It is disabled by default. To enable it, pass the option -DVTK_VERSION_MAJOR:STRING=6
    • Using ccmake and setting the VTK_VERSION_MAJOR variable does not seem to work. The first "generation" in ccmake, causes a VTKv5 structure to be created which is not overwritten by subsequent runs with VTK_VERSION_MAJOR changed. I had to remove the VTKv5 directories from the build and run cmake as described above with -DVTK_VERSION_MAJOR:STRING=6. - Jim