Documentation/4.8/Developers/Tutorials/Contribute Extension Description File using Extension Wizard

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Home < Documentation < 4.8 < Developers < Tutorials < Contribute Extension Description File using Extension Wizard

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This page describes how to easily contribute an extension description file using the ExtensionWizard. The wizard automates the manual steps documented here.

It will automatically generate the extension description file (.s4ext) based on the CMakeLists.txt in the extension directory.


  • Extension description file: This is a text file with extension .s4ext that fully described an extension. More details here.
  • ExtensionsIndex: This is a repository containing a list of extension description files *.s4ext. These description files are used by the Slicer extensions build system to build, test, package and upload extensions on the extensions server. More details here


  • Extension belongs to Category 1 or Category 2 as described in Slicer requirements
  • Extension has been built, tested and installed on at least one platform (Linux, MacOSX or Windows)


  • Terminal command - Block like the one below indicates that the command should be executed in a terminal.
  1. On Windows, Git Bash is expected (not the Windows command line). Need help ?
$ echo "This is a command"

Contributing a new extension / Requesting an extension update

Typing this command will create a pull request on ExtensionsIndex repository.

  1. Make sure the latest changes associated with your extension have been pushed in your extension repository.

Extensions built against Slicer trunk

$ bin/slicerExtensionWizard --contribute ~/src/Slicer-MyExtension/

Extensions build against Slicer 4.10

$ bin/slicerExtensionWizard --contribute --target 4.10  ~/src/Slicer-MyExtension/