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Introduction and Acknowledgements

Extension: mpReview
Acknowledgments: This work is done as part of the Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN) and Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) initiatives of the National Cancer Institute, and is funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute through the grant U24 CA180918 (PIs Kikinis & Fedorov) and U01 CA151261 (PI Fiona Fennessy).
Author: Andrey Fedorov (SPL), Robin Weiss (University of Chicago), Alireza Mehrtash (SPL), Christian Herz (SPL)
Contact: Andrey Fedorov, fedorov at bwh dot harvard dot edu
License: Slicer License

Surgical Planning Laboratory (SPL)  
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC)  
Quantitative Image Informatics for Cancer Research  

Module Description


Multiparametric Image Review (mpReview) module is intended to support review and annotation of multiparametric image data. The driving use case for the development of this module was review and segmentation of the regions of interest in prostate cancer multiparametric MRI.


Release Notes

Installation: mpReview module is available as an extension that can be installed using Slicer Extension Manager.

Please note that this module is under development, and is being made available for the purposes of beta testing and feedback evaluation! The functionality, GUI and workflows may change in the subsequent releases of the module.

Use Cases

This module is designed for the annotation of multiparametric image data - i.e., when the same anatomy is scanned using different types of imaging during the same imaging study. This situation is specifically common in the interpretation of the prostate MRI, where T2, DWI, ADC, DCE and parametric maps need to be examined to characterize tissue at a given location.


Not available at this time. YouTube tutorial will be available soon!

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Information for Developers