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integer_label | text_label | color |
0 | background | rgba(0,0,0,0.000) |
2 | white matter of left cerebral hemisphere | rgb(250,250,210) |
4 | left lateral ventricle | rgb(88,106,215) |
5 | temporal horn of left lateral ventricle | rgb(88,106,215) |
7 | white matter of cerebellum left | rgb(221,248,164) |
8 | left cerebellar cortex | rgb(230,148,34) |
10 | left thalamus | rgb(122,101,38) |
11 | left caudate nucleus | rgb(30,111,85) |
12 | left putamen | rgb(210,157,166) |
13 | left globus pallidus pars externa | rgb(12,48,255) |
14 | wall of third ventricle | rgb(88,106,215) |
15 | fourth ventricle | rgb(88,106,215) |
17 | left hippocampus | rgb(220,216,20) |
18 | left amygdala | rgb(103,255,255) |
24 | third ventricle (1) | rgb(88,106,215) |
25 | left globus pallidus pars interna | rgb(255,165,0) |
26 | left nucleus accumbens | rgb(165,0,255) |
27 | left middle cerebellar peduncle | rgb(148,120,72) |
28 | left hypothalamus | rgb(165,42,42) |
34 | left superior cerebellar peduncle | rgb(139,126,177) |
35 | pons | rgb(51,50,135) |
40 | midbrain | rgb(145,92,109) |
41 | white matter of right cerebral hemisphere | rgb(200,200,168) |
43 | right lateral ventricle | rgb(88,106,215) |
44 | temporal horn of right lateral ventricle | rgb(88,106,215) |
46 | white matter of cerebellum right | rgb(220,248,164) |
47 | right cerebellar cortex | rgb(230,148,34) |
49 | right thalamus | rgb(122,101,38) |
50 | right caudate nucleus | rgb(30,111,85) |
51 | right putamen | rgb(210,157,166) |
52 | right globus pallidus pars externa | rgb(13,48,255) |
53 | right hippocampus | rgb(220,216,20) |
54 | right amygdala | rgb(103,255,255) |
55 | right insula | rgb(80,196,98) |
58 | right nucleus accumbens | rgb(255,165,0) |
60 | right hypothalamus | rgb(165,42,42) |
61 | medulla oblongata | rgb(135,206,235) |
63 | choroid plexus of right lateral ventricle | rgb(88,106,215) |
66 | left substantia nigra | rgb(0,108,112) |
71 | right substantia nigra | rgb(0,108,112) |
72 | pineal body | rgb(120,190,150) |
78 | left optic tract | rgb(156,171,108) |
79 | left red nucleus | rgb(255,148,10) |
84 | right red nucleus | rgb(255,218,185) |
85 | optic chiasm | rgb(99,106,24) |
96 | pellucid septum | rgb(205,10,125) |
100 | left mammillothalamic tract | rgb(124,140,178) |
142 | anterior commissure | rgb(221,226,68) |
200 | right mammillothalamic tract | rgb(0,50,128) |
216 | right optic tract | rgb(156,171,108) |
500 | internal medullar lamina R | rgb(200,200,200) |
501 | internal medullar lamina L | rgb(200,200,200) |
502 | medial geniculate body R | rgb(125,250,21) |
503 | medial geniculate body L | rgb(125,250,21) |
504 | lateral geniculate body R | rgb(102,178,255) |
505 | lateral geniculate body L | rgb(102,178,255) |
506 | pulvinar R | rgb(63,104,224) |
507 | pulvinar L | rgb(63,104,224) |
508 | anterior thalamic nucleus R | rgb(255,25,127) |
509 | anterior thalamic nucleus L | rgb(255,25,127) |
510 | dorsomedial thalamic nucleus R | rgb(60,189,130) |
511 | dorsomedial thalamic nucleus L | rgb(60,189,130) |
512 | centromedian thalamic nucleus R | rgb(188,181,105) |
513 | centromedian thalamic nucleus L | rgb(188,181,105) |
514 | ventral anterior thalamic nucleus R | rgb(254,213,0) |
515 | ventral anterior thalamic nucleus R | rgb(254,213,0) |
516 | ventral lateral thalamic nucleus R | rgb(60,180,180) |
517 | ventral lateral thalamic nucleus L | rgb(60,180,180) |
518 | lateral posterior thalamic nucleus R | rgb(204,127,0) |
519 | lateral posterior thalamic nucleus L | rgb(204,127,0) |
520 | lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus R | rgb(175,194,221) |
521 | lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus L | rgb(175,194,221) |
522 | VPM thalamic nucleus R | rgb(225,167,104) |
523 | VPM thalamic nucleus L | rgb(225,167,104) |
524 | VPL thalamic nucleus R | rgb(229,127,127) |
525 | VPL thalamic nucleus L | rgb(229,127,127) |
1000 | left insula | rgb(188,135,166) |
1001 | left superior temporal gyrus (1) | rgb(25,100,40) |
1002 | left cingulate gyrus (1) | rgb(125,100,160) |
1003 | left middle frontal gyrus (1) | rgb(100,25,0) |
1005 | left cuneus | rgb(220,20,100) |
1006 | left ambiens gyrus | rgb(220,20,10) |
1007 | left fusiform gyrus | rgb(180,220,140) |
1008 | left inferior parietal lobule | rgb(220,60,220) |
1009 | left inferior temporal gyrus | rgb(180,40,120) |
1010 | left cingulate gyrus (2) | rgb(140,20,140) |
1011 | left lateral occipital gyrus | rgb(20,30,140) |
1012 | left orbital gyri | rgb(35,75,50) |
1013 | left lingual gyrus | rgb(225,140,140) |
1014 | left straight gyrus | rgb(200,35,75) |
1015 | left middle temporal gyrus | rgb(160,100,50) |
1016 | left parahippocampal gyrus | rgb(200,200,200) |
1017 | left paracentral lobule | rgb(20,220,60) |
1018 | opercular part of left inferior frontal gyrus | rgb(60,220,60) |
1019 | orbital part of left inferior frontal gyrus | rgb(220,180,140) |
1020 | triangular part of left inferior frontal gyrus | rgb(220,60,20) |
1021 | left visual cortex | rgb(120,100,60) |
1022 | left postcentral gyrus | rgb(220,20,20) |
1023 | left cingulate gyrus (1) | rgb(220,180,220) |
1024 | left precentral gyrus | rgb(60,20,220) |
1025 | left precuneus | rgb(160,140,180) |
1026 | left cingulate gyrus (3) | rgb(80,20,140) |
1027 | left middle frontal gyrus (2) | rgb(75,50,125) |
1028 | left superior frontal gyrus (1) | rgb(20,220,160) |
1029 | left superior parietal lobule and precuneus | rgb(20,180,140) |
1030 | left superior temporal gyrus | rgb(140,220,220) |
1031 | left angular and supramarginal gyrus | rgb(80,160,20) |
1032 | left frontal pole | rgb(100,0,100) |
1033 | left temporal pole | rgb(70,70,70) |
1034 | left transverse temporal gyri | rgb(150,150,200) |
2000 | right insula | rgb(188,135,166) |
2001 | right superior temporal gyrus (2) | rgb(25,100,40) |
2002 | right cingulate gyrus (1) | rgb(125,100,160) |
2003 | right middle frontal gyrus (1) | rgb(100,25,0) |
2005 | right cuneus | rgb(220,20,100) |
2006 | right parahippocampal gyrus | rgb(220,20,10) |
2007 | right fusiform gyrus | rgb(180,220,140) |
2008 | right angular and supramarginal gyri | rgb(220,60,220) |
2009 | right inferior temporal gyrus | rgb(180,40,120) |
2010 | right cingulate gyrus (2) | rgb(140,20,140) |
2011 | right lateral occipital gyrus | rgb(20,30,140) |
2012 | right orbital gyri (1) | rgb(35,75,50) |
2013 | right lingual gyrus | rgb(225,140,140) |
2014 | right straight gyrus | rgb(200,35,75) |
2015 | right middle temporal gyrus | rgb(160,100,50) |
2016 | right parahippocampal gyrus | rgb(200,200,200) |
2017 | right paracentral lobule | rgb(60,220,60) |
2018 | opercular part of right inferior frontal gyrus | rgb(220,180,140) |
2019 | orbital part of right inferior frontal gyrus | rgb(20,100,50) |
2020 | triangular part of right inferior frontal gyrus | rgb(220,60,20) |
2021 | right visual cortex | rgb(120,100,60) |
2022 | right postcentral gyrus | rgb(220,20,20) |
2023 | right cingulate gyrus (1) | rgb(220,180,220) |
2024 | right precentral gyrus | rgb(60,20,220) |
2025 | right precuneus | rgb(160,140,180) |
2026 | right cingulate gyrus (3) | rgb(80,20,140) |
2027 | right middle frontal gyrus (1) | rgb(75,50,125) |
2028 | right superior frontal gyrus | rgb(20,220,160) |
2029 | right superior parietal lobule | rgb(20,180,140) |
2030 | right superior temporal gyrus (3) | rgb(140,220,220) |
2031 | right supramarginal gyrus | rgb(80,160,20) |
2032 | right frontal pole | rgb(100,0,100) |
2033 | right temporal pole | rgb(70,70,70) |
2034 | right transverse temporal gyri | rgb(150,150,200) |
2108 | right angular and supramarginal gyri | rgb(230,250,230) |
3000 | right claustrum | rgb(230,250,230) |
3001 | left claustrum | rgb(230,155,215) |
3002 | right mamillary body | rgb(130,155,95) |
3003 | left mamillary body | rgb(155,230,255) |
3004 | corpus callosum | rgb(97,113,158) |
3005 | right fornix of forebrain | rgb(64,123,147) |
3007 | left fornix of forebrain | rgb(64,123,147) |
3008 | infundibulum of neurohypophysis | rgb(92,162,109) |
3011 | adenohypophysis | rgb(60,143,83) |
3012 | neurohypophysis | rgb(92,162,109) |