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Home < Documentation < 4.3 < Modules < FiberBundleLabelSelect

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Introduction and Acknowledgements

This work is part of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149. Information on NA-MIC can be obtained from the NA-MIC website.
Author: Alex Yarmarkovich, Isomics, SPL
Contributor1: Demian Wassermann, SPL
Contact: Alex Yarmarkovich, <email></email>

Surgical Planning Laboratory  

Module Description

This module is used for selecting a subset of DTI fiber tracts including or excluding certain fibers passing through a selected set of labels in the label map volume.

Use Cases

Most frequently used for these scenarios:

  • Use Case 1: Filter out a subset of DTI fiber tracts which are passing through selected region(s) defined in the label map volume.
  • Use Case 2: Filter out a subset of DTI fiber tracts which are NOT passing through selected region(s) defined in the label map volume.
  • Use Case 3: A combination of Case 1 and Case 2.


Slicer 4 Diffusion Tensor Tutorial

Panels and their use

A list of all the panels in the interface, their features, what they mean, and how to use them. For instance:

  • Parameters panel:
    • Parameters: select an existing setting for the module or create a new one.
  • IO panel:
    • Input Label Map: select an existing label map volume.
    • Input FiberBundle: Select the fibers that you want to filter.
    • Output FiberBundle: Select the bundle that you want to create or modify from a list.
  • Label Regions Definition panel :
    • Labels to include: A comma separated list of label values to include in the output fiber bundles set.
    • Combine Include Labels: OR or AND logical operation to combine individual label values in the above list.
    • Labels to exclude: A comma separated list of label values to exclude from the output fiber bundles set.
    • Combine Exclude Labels: OR or AND logical operation to combine individual label values in the above list.

Similar Modules

  • Tractography Label Map Seeding


Publications related to this module go here. Links to pdfs would be useful. For extensions: link to the source code repository and additional documentation

Information for Developers