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Introduction and Acknowledgements

Extension: Plastimatch

  • An Ira J Spiro translational research grant (2009)
  • NIH / NCI 6-PO1 CA 21239
  • The Federal share of program income earned by MGH on C06CA059267
  • Progetto Rocca Foundation – A collaboration between MIT and Politecnico di Milano
  • The National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant 2-U54-EB005149; information on the National Centers for Biomedical Computing can be obtained from
  • NSF ERC Innovation Award EEC-0946463

Author: Greg Sharp (Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital)
Contributor1: Julien Finet (Kitware)
Contact: Greg Sharp, <email></email>

Kitware, Inc.  
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC)  

Module Description

This is the plastimatch landmark-based deformable image registration module. The intended application of this method is rapid, interactive correction of registration failures with a small number of mouse clicks. Compared to other landmark-based methods, the plastimatch registration method might offer:

  1. both local and global registration
  2. regularization of the deformation field

Examples of how this module is being used:

  • Intra-subject registration for adaptive radiotherapy
  • Inter-subject registration for automatic segmentation

Use Cases

Before Registration
After Registration


Panels and their use

  • Input/Output panel:
    • Fixed Volume: Here you choose the "fixed image", which is the reference image.
    • Moving Volume: Here you choose the "moving image", which will be warped to match the fixed image.
    • Output Volume: Here you choose where to put the warped image. You can replace an existing image in the scene, or create a new image.
    • Basis function: Here you can choose either tps (thin plate splines), or gauss (Gaussian RBF), or wendland (Wendland RBF).
    • RBF radius: Here you can choose the radius of RBF.
    • Number of clusters: Here you can choose the number of landmark clusters.
    • Stiffness: Here you can choose the regularization parameter.
    • Default Pixel Value: Here you can choose the value for pixels with unknown value.
User Interface

Similar Modules


  • G Sharp et al. "Plastimatch - An open source software suite for radiotherapy image processing," Proceedings of the XVIth International Conference on the use of Computers in Radiotherapy, May, 2010.
  • N. Shusharina, G. Sharp "Landmark-based image registration with analytic regularization", IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., submitted, 2011.

Information for Developers