Documentation/4.1/Developers/Build Instructions

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To avoid
Common errors,
recommend to read the

CHECKOUT slicer source files

Two options: svn or git-svn

To make review and integration of your welcome contributions, we recommends the use of git-svn

Note that even if you use svn to check out Slicer source code, you will need to have git installed to checkout and build other libraries. YES, you need to install the things listed in the prerequisites !.

Using git-svn

 git clone git://
 cd Slicer
 git svn init
 git update-ref refs/remotes/git-svn refs/remotes/origin/master
 git checkout master
 git svn rebase

Consider reading the following page: Slicer guide to git-svn

Using svn

cd MyProjects
svn co Slicer

Note: be sure to name your source directory 'Slicer' for compatibility with the build process.

CONFIGURE and generate Slicer solution files

You can configure and generate Slicer solution files using either ccmake or cmake-gui.

Per-platform instructions


  • Recommended: cmake-gui
    • Configure using default options.
    • Set the build directory. For example: C:\Slicer4-SuperBuild-Debug or C:\Slicer4-SuperBuild-Release
  • Remarks:
  1. If you downloaded the Qt binary then qmake will be detected and all paths will be set automatically.
  2. If you built your own Qt (e.g. in Debug mode for use with the designer) set the QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE in cmake-gui.QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE should be set to the path of the qmake.exe file, which is inside the bin directory (for example, \path\to\qt-everywhere-opensource-build-4.7.4\bin\qmake.exe).
  3. Windows doesn't support path longer than 260 characters, please make sure that the total path name of your Slicer-build directory is no longer than 50 characters ( for example c:\work\Slicer\Slicer-Superbuild (32 characters) is fine)


  • Recommended: ccmake
    • Configure using the following commands. By default CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set to Debug.
mkdir Slicer4-SuperBuild-Debug
cd Slicer4-SuperBuild-Debug
ccmake -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/path/to/QtSDK-1.2/Desktop/Qt/474/gcc/bin/qmake ../Slicer

where you replace /path/to with the real path on your machine where QtSDK-1.2 is located

  • Remarks:
  1. Using top-level directory name like Slicer-Superbuild-Release or Slicer-Superbuild-Debug is recommended.

General information

Two projects are generated by either cmake, ccmake or cmake-gui.

One of them is in the top-level bin directory Slicer4-Superbuild and the other one is in the subdirectory Slicer-build:

  1. The first project in Slicer4-Superbuild manages all the external dependencies of Slicer (VTK, ITK, Python, ...). To build Slicer for the first time, run make (or build the solution file in Visual Studio) in Slicer4-Superbuild, which will update and build the external libraries and if successful will then build the subproject Slicer-build.
  2. The second project in Slicer4-Superbuild/Slicer-build is the "traditional" build directory of Slicer. After local changes in Slicer (or after an svn update on the source directory of Slicer), only running make (or building the solution file in Visual Studio) in Slicer4-Superbuild/Slicer-build is necessary (the external libraries are considered built and up to date).
  3. Warning: An significant amount of disk space is required to compile Slicer in Debug (>10GB on Windows)

Workaround firewall blocking git protocol

  • Some firewall will be blocking the git protocol, a possible workaround is to configure Slicer disabling the option Slicer_USE_GIT_PROTOCOL. Then http protocol will be used instead. Consider also reading

Notes for advanced users

  • By default, if CMake finds Java on your machine, it automatically builds Java CLIs. If you don't want any Java in your Slicer (or if you don't want to install Java on your Mac Os X), you can pass -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Java:BOOL=TRUE when configuring Slicer.
  • Same applies for OpenSSL: CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_OpenSSL:BOOL=TRUE can be passed when building Slicer for packaging.

BUILD Slicer4

After configuration, start the build process in the Slicer4-SuperBuild directory

Per-platform instructions


  • Open Slicer4-SuperBuild\Slicer.sln in Visual Studio
  • Select your build configuration. Usually Release of Debug
  • Build the ALL_BUILD project.
  • If you make local changes to Slicer4, open the solution file located in the directory Slicer4-SuperBuild/Slicer-build instead. You should then be able to either build all projects or just a specific one.


 cd ~/Projects/Slicer4-SuperBuild

RUN Slicer

Per-platform instructions


Run Slicer4-SuperBuild/Slicer-build/Slicer.exe


Run Slicer4-SuperBuild/Slicer-build/Slicer

DEBUG Slicer

Per-platform instructions


  • Make sure you build Slicer using the Debug configuration.
  • Open a windows terminal cmd.exe
  • Execute the following command:
 cd \path\to\Slicer4-SuperBuild\Slicer-build
 Slicer.exe --VisualStudio Slicer.sln



Common errors

A tool returned an error code from "Generating vtksysProcessFwd9xEnc.c"

The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Generating

Install SP1 of Visual Studio

error: ‘class QList<QString>’ has no member named ‘reserve’

/nfs/Users/blowekamp/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/474/gcc/include/QtCore/qdatastream.h: In function ‘QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream&, QList<T>&) [with T = QString]’:
/nfs/Users/blowekamp/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/474/gcc/include/QtCore/qstringlist.h:247:   instantiated from here
/nfs/Users/blowekamp/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/474/gcc/include/QtCore/qdatastream.h:246: error: ‘class QList<QString>’ has no member named ‘reserve’

You have multiple Qt versions installed on your machine. Try removing the Qt version installed on the system. undefined reference to `SHA256_Update'

Linking CXX executable ../../../../../bin/MRMLLogicCxxTests
/home/benjaminlong/work/slicer/Slicer4-Superbuild-Debug/LibArchive-install/lib/ undefined reference to `SHA256_Update'
/home/benjaminlong/work/slicer/Slicer4-Superbuild-Debug/LibArchive-install/lib/ undefined reference to `SHA256_Final'
/home/benjaminlong/work/slicer/Slicer4-Superbuild-Debug/LibArchive-install/lib/ undefined reference to `SHA256_Init'
/home/benjaminlong/work/slicer/Slicer4-Superbuild-Debug/LibArchive-install/lib/ undefined reference to `MD5_Init'


cd Slicer-superbuild
rm -rf LibArchive-*
make -j4


A tool returned an error code from "Performing configure step for ..."

CMake has some problems building complex projects on Windows7. See more details in:

A fix has been already identified and soon will be available in an official CMake release (probably 2.8.8). Until then this unofficial version can be used (based on CMake-2.8.7):

A tool returned an error code from "Performing download step (git clone) for ..."

CMake has problems cloning git repositories on Windows7. See more details in

If you think the described problem is the same as you have, please add your specific error message to the bug report (the more people report the problem the sooner it will be fixed).

No rule to make target `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'


X11 Window errors at start time

X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
  Extension:    137 (Uknown extension)
  Minor opcode: 4 (Unknown request)
  Resource id:  0x4200199
X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
  Extension:    137 (Uknown extension)
  Minor opcode: 4 (Unknown request)
  Resource id:  0x42001a6
X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
  Extension:    137 (Uknown extension)
  Minor opcode: 4 (Unknown request)
  Resource id:  0x42001b3


  • Reinstall Nvidia drivers (that also rewrite the xorg.conf file).

error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'ssize_t'

4>1>c:\chene\winbin64\slicer4\cmcurl\urldata.h(585) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'ssize_t'
4>1>c:\chene\winbin64\slicer4\cmcurl\urldata.h(593) : error C2365: 'fread' : redefinition; previous definition was 'function'
4>1>        C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include\stdio.h(248) : see declaration of 'fread'
4>1>c:\chene\winbin64\slicer4\cmcurl\urldata.h(610) : error C2059: syntax error : '}'


* See #A_tool_returned_an_error_code_from_.22Performing_configure_step_for_....22

Platform Notes

  • Linux Ubuntu: if you have odd rendering artifacts, try disabling visual effects (System/Appearance/Visual Effects)
  • Linux Ubuntu 12.04: if the QtSdk installation hangs, please try this solution
  • Windows: If build was OK, but it Slicer doesn't start (gives the error: [bin/Release/SlicerQT-real.exe] exit abnormally - Report the problem.) then one possible root cause is that you have a copy of Python26.dll in your windows system directory (e.g., c:\Windows\System32\python26.dll). The solution is to rename or remove the python dll in the system directory. See more details here:

Quick Build on Debian

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install subversion git gcc g++ make cmake-curses-gui libqt4-dev
svn co Slicer4
mkdir Slicer4-SuperBuild-Debug
cd Slicer4-SuperBuild-Debug
cmake ../Slicer4
make -j5

# runtime dependency:
sudo aptitude install python-tk