The Colors Module manages color look up tables.
Tables are used by mappers to translate between an integer and a colour value for display of models and volumes.
Slicer supports three kinds of tables:
- Continuous scales, like the greyscale table.
- Parametric tables, defined by an equation, such as the FMRIPA table.
- Discrete tables, such as those read in from a file.
You can create a duplicate of a color table to allow editing the names, values and color by clicking on the folder+ icon. You can then save the new color table via the File -> Save interface.
You can load a color table file from the File -> Add Data dialog.
File format
The color file format is a plain text file with the .txt or .ctbl extension. Each line in the file has:
label name R G B A
label is an integer, name a string, and RGBA are 0-255.
File example:
# Comments if the line start with #
0 air 0 0 0 0
1 bone 1 1 1 1 whatever after the Alpha value is discarded
2 tumor 1 0 0 1
Custom LUTs
You can create custom LUTs by creating a table with the colors on the wiki.
The colors are divided up into categories:
- Discrete
Labels: A legacy colour table that contains some anatomical mapping
FullRainbow: A full rainbow of 256 colors, goes from red to red with all rainbow colors in between. Useful for colourful display of a label map
Grey: A grey scale ranging from black at 0 to white at 255. Useful for displaying MRI volumes.
Iron: A scale from red to yellow, 157 colours, useful for
Rainbow: Goes from red to purple, passing through the colors of the rainbow in between. Useful for a colorful display of a label map
Ocean: A lighter blue scale of 256 values, useful for showing registration results.
Desert: Red to yellow/orange scale, 256 colours, useful for
InvertedGrey: A white to black scale, 256 colours, useful to highlight negative versions, or to flip intensities of signal values.
ReverseRainbow: A colourful display option, 256 colours going from purple to red
fMRI: A combination of Ocean (0-22) and Desert (23-42), useful for displaying functional MRI volumes (highlights activation)
fMRIPA: A small fMRI positive activation scale going from red to yellow from 0-19, useful for displaying functional MRI volumes when don't need the blue of the fMRI scale.
Random: A random selection of 256 rgb colours, useful to distinguish between a small number of labeled regions (especially outside of the brain)
- UserDefined: A user defined colour table, use the editor to specify it
Red: A red scale of 256 values. Useful for layering with Cyan
Green: A green scale of 256 values, useful for layering with Magenta
Blue: A blue scale of 256 values from black to pure blue, useful for layering with Yellow
Yellow: A yellow scale of 256 values, from black to pure yellow, useful for layering with blue (it's complementary, layering yields gray)
Cyan: A cyan ramp of 256 values, from black to cyan, complementary ramp to red, layering yeilds gray
Magenta: A magenta scale of 256 colors from black to magenta, complementary ramp to green, layering yeilds gray
Warm1: A scale from yellow to red, of 256 colors, ramp of warm colours that's complementary to Cool1
Warm2: A scale from green to yellow, 256 colours, ramp of warm colours that's complementary to Cool2
Warm3: A scale from cyan to green, 256 colours, ramp of warm colours that's complementary to Cool3
Cool1: A scale from blue to cyan, 256 colours, ramp of cool colours that's complementary to Warm1
Cool2: A scale from magenta to blue, 256 colours, ramp of cool colours that's complementary to Warm2
Cool3: A scale from red to magenta, ramp of cool colours that's complementary to Warm3
RandomIntegers: A random scale
- Shade:
WarmShade1: A scale from black to red, of 256 colors, ramp of warm colors with variation in value that's complementary to CoolShade1
WarmShade2: A scale from black to yellow, through green, of 256 colors, ramp of warm colors with variation in value that's complementary to CoolShade2
WarmShade3: A scale from black to green, of 256 colours, ramp of warm colors with variation in value that's complementary to CoolShade3
CoolShade1: A scale from black to cyan, 256 colours, ramp of cool colours with variation in value that is complementary to WarmShade1
CoolShade2: A scale from black to blue through purple, 256 colors, ramp of cool colours with variation in value that is complementary to WarmShade2
CoolShade3: A scale from black to magenta, 256 colours, ramp of cool colours with variation in value that is complementary to WarmShade3
- Tint:
WarmTint1: A scale from white to red, 256 colours, ramp of warm colours with variation in saturation that's complementary to CoolTint1
WarmTint2: A scale from white to yellow, 256 colours, ramp of warm colours with variation in saturation that's complementary to CoolTint2
WarmTint3: A scale from white to green, 256 colours, ramp of warm colours with variation in saturation that's complementary to CoolTint3
CoolTint1: A scale from white to cyan, 256 colours, ramp of cool colours with variations in saturation that's complementary to WarmTint1
CoolTint2: A scale from white to blue, 256 colours, ramp of cool colours with variations in saturation that's complementary to WarmTint2
CoolTint3: A scale from white to magenta, 256 colours, ramp of cool colours with variations in saturation that's complementary to WarmTint3
- FreeSurfer
Heat: The Heat FreeSurfer colour table, shows hot spots with high activation
BlueRed: A FreeSurfer color scale, 256 colours, from blue to red
RedBlue: A FreeSurfer color scale, 256 colours, from red to blue
RedGreen: A FreeSurfer color scale, 256 colours, from red to green, used to highlight sulcal curvature
GreenRed: A FreeSurfer color scale, 256 colours, from green to red, used to highlight sulcal curvature
- FreeSurferLabels: A color table read in from a text file, each line of the format: IntegerLabel Name R G B Alpha
PET-Heat: Useful for displaying colorized PET data.
PET-Rainbow: Useful for displaying colorized PET data.
PET-MaximumIntensityProjection: Useful for displaying inverse grey PET data.
- Cartilage MRI
dGEMRIC-1.5T: Useful for displaying 1.5 tesla delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage
dGEMRIC-3T: Useful for displaying 3 Tesla delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage
- Default Labels from File:
- a list of color nodes loaded from files, from the default Slicer color directory
PelvisColor: useful for displaying segmented pelvic MRI volumes
Slicer3_2010_Brain_Labels: a brain segementation table with 16 labels defined.
64Color-Nonsemantic: A color table with no semantic labels, pure color information
Slicer3_2010_LabelColors: a table with 16 labels defined.
- AbdomenColors: useful for displaying segmented abdominal MRI volumes
- SPL-BrainAtlas-ColorFile: useful for displaying segmented brain MRI volumes
- SPL-BrainAtlas-2009-ColorFile: an updated brain segmentation node
- ColdToHotRainbow: a shifted rainbow that runs from blue to red, useful when needing to display a volume for which larger values are hotter
- HotToColdRainbow: a shifted rainbow that runs from red to blue, useful when needing to display a volume for which larger values are colder
- GenericAnatomyColors: a list of whole body anatomy labels and useful colors for them, the default for the Editor module creating new label map volumes
- File
- If you load a color file from File -> Add Data, it will appear here
- User Generated
- If you create a new color node, it will appear here