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Home < Slicer3:UIDesign:WorkingProblems:SlicerUsabilityInTractography:Registration

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5. Manual Registration

Usability.png Not clear what methods are best for different scenarios. Need a helper or guide to promote best practices...

  • Best practices: when and how to apply deformations?
  • and When to resample?

Idea.png Suggestions for general common tools:

  • choose a "reference" dataset
  • Add a target dataset
  • Choose to inherit another dataset's transform or start fresh
  • would be good to be able to easily toggle colormap from color to grey and back.
  • would be good to be able to quickly switch among layouts for checking registration results.

Usability.png Transform module specific suggestions:

  • Transform module has confusing interface.
  • Here, no sense of what a person is transforming (the first thing a user does is go to the module and start moving sliders, but user sees nothing move. Not intuitive to know to creaet a new transform node, apply it to a dataset, then select that transform, and apply the xlation, rotation, scale to it).
  • Would be good to slide translation or rotation scale by either course or fine increments

6. Automatic Registration

Usability.png Lots of registration methods but hard for a user to know which one to use and when.

Idea.png Suggestion from JJ: helper questions could guide the process -- this is rough, can we find a valid decision tree?:

  • Are target and reference the same case? Y/N
    • if N:
      • Choose one:
        • A. Is reference an atlas?
        • B. a different patient?
        • C. same patient but different modality?
        • D. same patient but different date?
        • E. same patient, different modality and different date?
          • Based on selection, recommend an Automatic registration method, or a set of them to try.
    • if Y:
      • Choose one or more:
        • a different modality?
        • a different date?
        • a different modality and date?
          • Based on selection, recommend an Automatic registration method, or a set of them to try.

idea: flexible registration 'guide'

Idea.png Below is a sketch to follow up an idea Steve Pieper had for guiding a user through available registration options. It shows a Registration helper module that re-presents functionality from other modules. The transform panel, like the that in the Transforms Module, needs a careful think-thru. For now this is just a placeholder to paint the picture.


Priority items: (blocking project progress)

Proposed plan for addressing issues