User talk:Grundlett

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Revision as of 20:17, 20 February 2018 by Grundlett (talk | contribs)
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Home < User talk:Grundlett

The code below implements an imagemap using the GraphViz extension:

<graphviz caption="Imagemap test">
digraph myExample {
  Google [URL="" TITLE="Google"];
  Bing [URL="" TITLE="Bing"];

<graphviz caption="Imagemap test"> digraph myExample {

 Google [URL="" TITLE="Google"];
 Bing [URL="" TITLE="Bing"];

} </graphviz>

Or another


graph graphname {
    // This attribute applies to the graph itself
    // size="3,3";
    // The label attribute can be used to change the label of a node
    a [label="Foo"];
    // Here, the node shape is changed.
    b [shape=box];
    // These edges both have different line properties
    a -- b -- c [color=blue];
    b -- d [style=dotted];
    // [style=invis] hides a node.


Find Usage

Since the graphviz extension inserts a page property where it's used, you can find out where on your wiki any page uses the extension with a query like this: