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Introduction and Acknowledgements
Authors: Acknowledgements:
Module Description
The Modeling module is a C++ SlicerAstro wrapping of 3DBAROLO [1],
a 3D algorithm to derive rotation curves of galaxies, developed by Enrico di Teodoro (Australian National University).
In addition, SlicerAstro provides an easy and interactive interface for comparing the automated-generated models with the data.
It is also possible to edit the value of each parameter for each ring of the tilted-ring model for refining the analysis of the kinematics of the galaxy in study.
Panels and their use
@ARTICLE{2017A&C....19...45P, author = {{Punzo}, D. and {van der Hulst}, J.~M. and {Roerdink}, J.~B.~T.~M. and {Fillion-Robin}, J.~C. and {Yu}, L.}, title = "{SlicerAstro: A 3-D interactive visual analytics tool for HI data}", journal = {Astronomy and Computing}, archivePrefix = "arXiv", eprint = {1703.06651}, primaryClass = "astro-ph.IM", keywords = {Radio lines: galaxies, Scientific visualization, Visual analytics, Agile software development, Object oriented development, Empirical software validation}, year = 2017, month = apr, volume = 19, pages = {45-59}, doi = {10.1016/j.ascom.2017.03.004}, }
@ARTICLE{2015MNRAS.451.3021D, author = {{Di Teodoro}, E.~M. and {Fraternali}, F.}, title = "{$^{3D}$ BAROLO: a new 3D algorithm to derive rotation curves of galaxies}", journal = {\mnras}, archivePrefix = "arXiv", eprint = {1505.07834}, keywords = {methods: data analysis, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics}, year = 2015, month = aug, volume = 451, pages = {3021-3033}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stv1213}, }