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Home < Documentation < 4.8 < Modules < ComputeGLCMFeatures
Introduction and Acknowledgements
Extensions: BoneTextureExtesion
Author: Jean-Baptise Vimort, Kitware Inc.
Contributors: Beatriz Paniagua (Kitware Inc), Lucia Cevidanes (University of Michigan - School of Dentistry), Erika Benavides (University of Michigan - School of Dentistry), Antônio Carlos de Oliveira Ruellas (University of Michigan - School of Dentistry)
Contact: Jean-Baptiste Vimort, <email>jb.vimort@kitware.com</email>
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Institute of Health (NIH) National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) grant R21DE025306 (Textural Biomarkers of Arthritis for the Subchondral Bone in the Temporomandibular Joint), NIDCR grant R01DE024450 (Quantification of 3D bony Changes in
Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering NIBIB) grant R01EB021391 (Shape Analysis Toolbox for Medical Image Computing Projects).
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Module Description
This module can be used in order to compute co-ocurence texture features over the input image. The computation of the run length features is based on the grey level Co-ocurence matrix (GLCM) computed with itk::itkScalarImageToTextureFeaturesFilter.
The GLCM matrix describes the texture of the whole image, it is then used to compute the following run length texture features:
- Energy
- Entropy
- Correlation
- Inverse difference moment
- Inertia
- Cluster shade
- Cluster prominence
- Haralick correlation
Use Cases
- Inputs:
- Input volume [index: 0] : Input Volume
- Input mask [-s --inputMask] (None) : A mask defining the region over which texture features will be calculated
- Inside Mask Value [-i --inputMask] (1) : The pixel value that defines the ”inside” of the mask
- Number of Intensity bins [-b --binNumber] (10) : The number of intensity bins
- Pixel Intensity Min [-p --pixelIntensityMin] (0) : Minnimum of the pixel intensity range over which the features will be calculated
- Pixel Intensity Max [-P --pixelIntensityMax] (4000) : Maximum of the pixel intensity range over which the features will be calculated
- Outputs:
- Energy [output] : Energy feature value
- Entropy [output] : Entropy feature value
- Correlation [output] : Correlation feature value
- Inverse difference moment [output] :Inverse difference moment feature value
- Inertia [output] : Inertia feature value
- Cluster shade [output] : Cluster shade feature value
- Cluster prominence [output] : Cluster prominence feature value
- Haralick correlation [output] : Haralick correlation feature value
- Advanced:
- Output Vector [output] : Output vector containing all the feature value stored in the same order than previously
Additional Information
Similar Modules
Information for Developers
The source code is available on github