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CTK Widgets
See the CTK image gallery
qSlicerPresetComboBox | A combobox to select presets | |
qMRMLCheckableNodeComboBox | A combobox to select multiple nodes | |
qMRMLModelDisplayNodeWidget | A widget that represents any vtkMRMLModelDisplayNode | |
qMRMLDisplayNodeWidget | A widget that represents any vtkMRMLDisplayNode | |
qMRMLModelInfoWidget | A widget that shows model internal data properties | |
qMRMLVolumeInfoWidget | A widget that shows volume internal data properties | |
qMRMLColorTableView | A table view to display a color table model | |
qMRMLColorTableComboBox | a tree combobox to choose a color table node | |
qMRMLThreeDViewsWidget | a toolbar to control 3D views | |
qMRMLSlicesControllerToolBar | a toolbar to control slices options | |
qMRMLThreeDView | A 3D vtk render window | |
qMRMLSliceWidget | a 2D vtk render window with a controller | |
qMRMLROIWidget | 3 range sliders to define a Region of Interest | |
qMRMLListWidget qMRMLTreeWidget qMRMLTreeProxyModel qMRMLSceneModel qMRMLTransformProxyModel |
A collection of QObjects to communicate with a vtkMRMLScene | |
qMRMLMatrixWidget | A QTableWidget specially conceived for displaying/editing matrices | |
qMRMLNodeComboBox | A QComboBox containing vtkMRMLNodes | |
qMRMLVolumeThresholdWidget | A widget to set the threshold of a vtkMRMLVolumeNode | |
qMRMLTransformSliders | A collection of qCTKSliderSpinBox for setting transform properties (translation or rotation) | |
qMRMLWindowLevelWidget | A widget to set the window level of a vtkMRMLVolumeNode |
qSlicerDiffusionTensorVolumeDisplayWidget | Display widget for vtkMRMLDiffusionTensorVolume | |
qSlicerDiffusionWeightedVolumeDisplayWidget | Display widget for vtkMRMLDiffusionWeightedVolume | |
qSlicerDTISliceDisplayWidget | Widget to control vtkMRMLDiffusionTensorVolumeSliceDisplayNode | |
qSlicerMouseModeToolBar | A toolbar to select mouse modes | |
qSlicerModuleSelectorToolBar | A toolbar to select modules |