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Home < Documentation < 4.5 < Modules < LabelAddition

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Label Addition

Label Addition

User Interface
Input Scan Bad Voxel Based Resolution
Input Scan Bad Voxel Based Resolution
Output Scan Downsized

General Information

Module Type & Category

Type: Extension

Category: CBCT Scan Registration pre steps (label maps processing)

Authors, Collaborators & Contact

Author: Vinicius Boen

Contributors: Francois Budin (NIRAL, University of North Carolina), Martin Styner (NIRAL, University Of North Carolina), Beatriz Paniagua (NIRAL, University Of North Carolina), Lucia Cevidanes (University of Michigan - School of Dentistry)


Module Description

  • Interface Description:
    • Input Label Map A [index 0] : First segmentaiton file to be addicted.
    • Input Label Map B [index 1] : Second segmentaiton file to be addicted.
    • Output Label Map [index 2] : Output segmentaiton file with label A plus B.

User Interface