Slicer:Developer Meetings:20060314

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Home < Slicer:Developer Meetings:20060314

Slicer Developers Meeting

March 14, 2006, 2-3pm, at 1249 Boylston St., second floor demo room.

Topic: Updates and catchup.

Present: Steve Pieper, Katie Hayes, Haiying Liu, Nicole Aucoin

  • XNAT
    • Katie Hayes installing XNAT on a linux machine, with frequent support from the development team
    • problems: code was developed on windows to be cross platform, but not extensively tested
  • Release 2.6
    • Raul has some bugs to fix, he's back from MICCAI work
    • Nicole will stub out the EM atlas brain classifier bug where the auto download isn't working properly (tell the user how to get the atlas and install it manually)
    • Problems connecting to the ITK cvs server, Katie will put the link in from Andy to genlib.tcl if it works
  • MRT
    • Haiying working on validating slicer 2.6 against the old slicer version in use in the MRT
    • They may benefit from adding some modules to the ignored list in Options.xml
    • Fiducials
      • Can set a fiducial at the tip of the locator probe now
      • If update is slow when using fiducials, talk to Nicole to see if she can speed things up more
  • Slicer 3
    • After the Mbirn:SpringConference2006 meeting in Sedona next week, we'll concentrate on preparation for the Slicer3:_Alpha1_Meeting
    • We've got dashboard builds going each night with the slicer cvs head and the vtk cvs head to test the code against vtk 5.x
    • Mathieu is checking in changes to get the cxx code working
    • Nicole needs to look at the tcl code to make changes necessary due to the updates in the cxx methods
    • For getting modules into slicer 3, try loading the .sos from the modules built inside slicer 2
    • Start with vtkDTMRI, as there are tests written already for it
    • Work up to using package require and building the modules using cmake from code checked into svn
    • Slicer 3 has a launcher now that's set up by cmake so that the paths are set automatically