The Slicer factory machine is maintained by Kitware and produces dashboard builds of many software projects, including nightly, continuous, and packaged versions of Slicer and its approved extensions. See the Slicer4 dashboard.
These builds are generated every day on three different operating systems: Windows 7, Mac OS X, and Linux. Because it is not legal to run any version of Mac OS X on a virtual machine (unless its host also runs Mac OS X), the host OS is Mac OS X, and the Windows and Linux builds are run within this machine as virtual machines.
Required factory components
The factory machine runs Mac OS X v10.6.8, Snow Leopard.
- CMake version: 2.8.8
- GCC version: i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1
- Tasks scheduled using cron
The output of
crontab -l
on the factory machine is as follows:
55 23 * * * cd /Users/kitware/DashboardScripts && /usr/bin/cvs -q up -dAP 0 0 * * * /Users/kitware/DashboardScripts/ > /Users/kitware/Dashboards/Logs/factory.log 2>&1 0 9 * * * /Applications/CMake\ -V -VV -S /Users/kitware/DashboardScripts/factory-64bits_CTKAppLauncher_release_continuous.cmake > /Users/kitware/Dashboards/Logs/factory-64bits_CTKAppLauncher_release_continuous.log 2>&1 0 9 * * * /Applications/CMake\ -V -VV -S /Users/kitware/DashboardScripts/factory-64bits_slicer4_release_continuous.cmake > /Users/kitware/Dashboards/Logs/factory-64bits_slicer4_release_continuous.log 2>&1 0 10 * * * /Applications/CMake\ -V -VV -S /Users/kitware/DashboardScripts/factory-64bits_slicerextensions_release_continuous.cmake > /Users/kitware/Dashboards/Logs/factory-64bits_slicerextensions_release_continuous.log 2>&1 0 10 * * * /Applications/CMake\ -V -VV -S /Users/kitware/DashboardScripts/factory-64bits_slicerextensions_411_release_continuous.cmake > /Users/kitware/Dashboards/Logs/factory-64bits_slicerextensions_411_release_continuous.log 2>&1
The first tab is a command to update the cvs repository storing all of Kitware's dashboard scripts. The second is a bash script which runs all of the nightly builds done by the Mac OS X factory. The rest correspond to all the continuous builds. An example of an entry in the bash script is as follows:
open -a x11 export DISPLAY=:0.0 # just DISPLAY=:0.0 without export is not enough export PATH=:/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH CTEST=/Applications/CMake\ LOG_DIR=/Users/kitware/Dashboards/Logs DASHBOARD_SCRIPTS_DIR=/Users/kitware/DashboardScripts # Nightly build of CTKAppLauncher "$CTEST" -S $DASHBOARD_SCRIPTS_DIR/factory-64bits_CTKAppLauncher_release_nightly.cmake -VV -O $LOG_DIR/factory-64bits_CTKAppLauncher_release_nightly.log # Nightly build of slicer "$CTEST" -S $DASHBOARD_SCRIPTS_DIR/factory-64bits_slicer4_release_nightly.cmake -VV -O $LOG_DIR/factory-64bits_slicer4_release_nightly.log
The virtual machines are run using the Parallels tool.
VM: Linux
This VM runs Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- CMake version: 2.8.8
- GCC version: Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1
- Tasks scheduled using cron
The scripts on this VM are very similar to those on the Host.
Known issues
This VM is run using Parallel. The "Parallel Tools" have been disabled because they were crashing X. Now GLX is missing, which is causing the following errors:
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
These errors occasionally cause tests to fail on the dashboards.
This machine is accessible through SSH and remote VNC. It has been configured with its own static IP, and should be accessed by VNC through this IP instead of through a VNC connection on the Mac Host. Do not try to connect through VNC to this machine on the Host.
VM: Windows 7
This VM runs Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) on an x86 platform.
- CMake version: 2.8.8
- Compiler: VS2008 (cmake --help will provide the correct spelling of CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR. On this machine, it is set as follows
set(CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR "Visual Studio 9 2008 Win64")
- Tasks are scheduled using the Windows Task Scheduler (Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Task Scheduler)
On Windows, instead of bash, we use batch scripts comprised of commands to call ctest to run all the nightly scripts. factory-win7.bat looks like this:
#REM Nightly build of CTKAppLauncher vs2008 32bits "C:\D\Support\cmake-2.8.8-win32-x86\bin\ctest.exe" -S "C:\Dashboards\DashboardScripts\factory-win7-vs2008-32bits_CTKAppLauncher_release_nightly.cmake" -C Release -VV -O C:\D\Logs\factory-win7-vs2008-32bits_CTKAppLauncher_release_nightly.txt #REM Nightly build of slicer vs2008 32bits "C:\D\Support\cmake-2.8.8-win32-x86\bin\ctest.exe" -S "C:\Dashboards\DashboardScripts\factory-win7-vs2008-32bits_slicer4_release_nightly.cmake" -C Release -VV -O C:\D\Logs\factory-win7-vs2008-32bits_slicer4_release_nightly.txt #REM Nightly build of slicer extensions testing vs2008 32bits "C:\D\Support\cmake-2.8.8-win32-x86\bin\ctest.exe" -S "C:\Dashboards\DashboardScripts\factory-win7-vs2008-32bits_slicerextensions_testing_release_nightly.cmake" -C Release -VV -O C:\D\Logs\factory-win7-vs2008-32bits_slicerextensions_testing_release_nightly.txt
Note that in this case, the -C option is required to specify the build type.
Also, keep in mind the remarks about building a dashboard on a Windows machine. These all apply here.
This machine may be accessed via VNC through its static IP or through the Host.