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AtlasCreator: Commandline Interface
The Atlas Creator comes with a command line interface. This interface can be used by invoking the following command.
# in the source directory cd Slicer3/Modules/AtlasCreator/ # or in the build directory cd Slicer3-build/lib/Slicer3/Modules/AtlasCreator/ # start the command line interface python
A detailed help system is available by calling python --help:
$ cd Slicer3-release/lib/Slicer3/Modules/AtlasCreator/ $ python --help AtlasCreator for 3D Slicer Version v0.4 Usage: -h, --help Show this information. -i, --images DIR Directory containing original images. -s, --segmentations DIR Directory containing segmentations. -o, --output DIR Output directory. --cmtk Use the CMTK toolkit for registration and resampling, instead of BRAINSFit. The CMTK4Slicer extensions have to be installed in order to use CMTK. --skipRegistration Skip the registration and use existing transforms. The following arguments have to be specified if the registration is skipped: --transforms DIR Directory containing existing transforms. --existingTemplate FILEPATH Filepath to an existing template used for resampling only. --dynamic Use a dynamic template for registration based on means of images. The following arguments have to be specified if dynamic registration is chosen: -m, --meanIterations INT Number of iterations to compute and register against a mean image. --fixed Use a fixed template for registration. The following arguments have to be specified if fixed registration is chosen: --template FILEPATH Filepath to an image used as a template for fixed registration. --ignoreTemplateSegmentation If activated, the template's segmentation will not be added to the atlases. -n, --non-rigid Use Non-Rigid registration additionally. -w, --writeTransforms Write transforms to output directory. --keepAligned Keep the aligned images and segmentations. -l, --labels STRING List of labels to include for the atlases, f.e. "3 4 5 6 8 10". DEFAULT: detect labels automatically --normalize Normalize Atlases to 0..1. If activated, the output cast will be set to Double. --normalizeTo INT The upper value to normalize the atlases to. DEFAULT: 1 --outputCast INT Output cast for the atlases. Possible values: 0: Char 1: Unsigned Char 2: Double 3: Float 4: Int 5: Unsigned Int 6: Long 7: Unsigned Long 8: Short 9: Unsigned Short DEFAULT: 8 -c, --cluster Use the cluster mode. The following arguments have to be specified if cluster mode is chosen: --schedulerCommand EXECUTABLE The executable to use as a scheduler in cluster mode, f.e. "qsub". --pca Perform PCA Analysis on top of Resampling. --pcaMaxEigenVectors INT The number of maximal Eigenvectors to use for model generation. DEFAULT: 10 --pcaCombine Combine the PCA output. --slicer FILEPATH Filepath to the 3D Slicer launcher including arguments, f.e. "/usr/bin/Slicer3 --tmp_dir /var/tmp". DEFAULT: Find the 3D Slicer launcher automatically. -d, --debug Enable debug information. --dryrun Output executable commands instead of running the registration or resampling. --examples Show usage examples. Developed by Daniel Haehn and Kilian Pohl, University of Pennsylvania. The research was funded by an ARRA supplement to NIH NCRR (P41 RR13218). Thanks to everyone!
$ python --examples AtlasCreator for 3D Slicer Version v0.4 Examples: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Run fixed registration with the testdata and normalize the atlases to 1: python -i TestData/originals/ -s TestData/segmentations/ -o /tmp/acout --fixed --template TestData/originals/case62.nrrd -w -l "3 4 5 6 7 8 9" --normalize ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Run fixed registration with the testdata and use CMTK instead of BRAINSFit and label auto-detection: python -i TestData/originals/ -s TestData/segmentations/ -o /tmp/acout --fixed --template TestData/originals/case62.nrrd -w --cmtk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Run dynamic registration with the testdata and normalize the atlases to 0..100: python -i TestData/originals/ -s TestData/segmentations/ -o /tmp/acout --dynamic --meanIterations 5 -w -l "3 4 5 6 7 8 9" --normalize --normalizeTo 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Run dynamic registration with the testdata on a cluster (scheduler command "qsub -l centos5"): python -i TestData/originals/ -s TestData/segmentations/ -o /tmp/acout --dynamic --meanIterations 5 -w -l "3 4 5 6 7 8 9" --normalize --cluster --schedulerCommand "qsub -l centos5" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Use existing registrations and just re-sample python --skipRegistration --transforms /tmp/acout --existingTemplate TestData/segmentations/case62.nrrd -s TestData/segmentations/ -o /tmp/acout -l "3 4 5 6 7 8 9" --normalize --outputCast 3