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Use the File->Add Volume... menu to bring up the volume load dialog, navigate to the top folder with your specific data, click on parse directory in the upper right and select your series in the upper right.

See here for more information about "Add Volume"

DWI Dicom

DWI data: As first step, use the DicomToNrrd module to convert your DWI data from DICOM to NRRD format.

  • Load the nrrd format data into Slicer using the File->Add Volume dialog. See here for a list of supported DWI formats.
  • Information about Nrrd DTI can be found here
  • Information about Dicom for DWI can be found here

NIfTI, NRRD, Analyze and other Scalar Volume Data

Use the File->Add Volume... dialog to select the header file. If there is a corresponding image file it will be selected automatically.

Label maps

Label maps are a special form of volume data sets, where each voxel contains an arbitrary value which has a meaning for the user. At load time you click the label box to let Slicer know that the volume is a label data set. So called "look up tables" (LUTs) associate the label values with a color and a name. Slicer comes with a large number of LUTs. In the volume module you can associate a label data set with a LUT. Slicer also allows the creation of custom LUTs.

Since most image file formats to not explicitly record whether image data is meant to be used as a label map, users should check the Label Map checkbox when loading volumes that contain label information. MRML scene files record the color LUT and label status so they can be reloaded without needing to check this option.

png, jpeg, tiff Image Stacks

Use the File->Add Volume... to select one image from the sequence. Files with corresponding names will be selected automatically. For example, picking img001.png will form a volume using files img001.png, img002.png, img003.png, etc.

Note that image stacks contain no spacing information. Use the Info tab in the Volumes Module to manually enter appropriate spacings (default voxel size is 1 x 1 x 1 millimeter)

Note that color images can be viewed in slicer, but are not compatible with many of the analysis tools.

Raw Raster Data

We suggest creating a .nhdr header file that describes your data. See the nrrd format documentation for more information.