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Home < Slicer3:Events

Slicer3 Events

For information about training events, project weeks, telephone conferences, and other Slicer-related activities, see the events wiki page.


Is in the planning stages with the expectation of a release in 2011.


May 2010 release described on the dedicated 3D Slicer version 3.6 page


A product release of Slicer 3.4 is scheduled for Feb/March

  • There will be a code freeze on Feb 4, 2009
  • Requirements for modules to be added:
    • The module is feature complete for the tasks advertised
    • The module has a test. See here for more information.
    • Module has documentation on the Slicer wiki. Please use the template provided here to structure your page. Please add a pointer to the documentation on the Slicer wiki to the the Help tab of the module. See the editor module in Slicer for an example.
    • The contributor (and their manager/advisor, lab and funding source) are listed in the Acknowledgement tab of the module. Please see the Models module for and example. The people listed in the acknowledgement will be the primary people for support and maintenance relative of the module.
  • After the freeze date, we will only accept bug fixes but no new features.
  • If your module has documentation in Slicer 3.2, please copy/paste/update into the 3.4 version
  • Please contact Ron Kikinis, if you had a module in 3.2 and you do not want it to be in 3.4.


  • the first product release of Slicer3 is scheduled for the AHM in January of 2008
  • there will be a code freeze on Nov. 15 2007
    • if you want your module to be part of Slicer3.0 submit it by then
    • After that date, we will only accept bug fixes. It means that there will be no features added after the freeze in the main trunk.
    • Anyone working on new features can do so in their own branch and they will be responsible for merging these back into the trunk after the freeze is lifted (at which point the release will be in a maintenance branch).


Slicer 3 Snapshot Builds

  • Initial releases began end of March 2007
    • Base code functional and usable
    • Several usable modules include (auto segmentaiton, editor, registration...)
    • Image Guided Therapy example modules
  • Updated versions summer 2007
    • With DTI and other application modules
    • Bug fixes and performance enhancements

Migration Tutorials (from Slicer 2.x to 3.0)

The first set of user tutorials will be released in Fall 2007. Slicer3 programming courses will be released in January 2008.


Slicer3.0 Beta

April 3, 2006

There was a Slicer3 Alpha1 Design Review meeting.

Definition of Alpha Milestone

Slicer3 Alpha2/Beta1 by End of July 2006

  • Initial Testing with Core 3 participation
  • Base functionality in place, but still subject to API changes and other improvements.
  • Packaged versions not yet available, but testers are able to easily build their own versions.

Implementation of Slicer3 Alpha1 by end of March 2006