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Home < Documentation < Labs < DeprecatedModules
This page is here to capture the list of modules we would like to bundle into a Slicer extension named "DeprecatedModules".
All these modules would be added to their own git repository. Then, a git repository named "DeprecatedModulesExtension" could combine them using the "git submodule" approach".
I propose to include all the module belonging to the CLI "Legacy" category:
- AffineRegistration
- BSplineDeformableRegistration
- BSplineToDeformationField => Needed by EMSegment
- DiffusionTensorTest
- ExpertAutomatedRegistration => Needed by TubeTK
- FiducialRegistration
- LinearRegistration
- MultiResolutionAffineRegistration
- OtsuThresholdImageFilter
- OtsuThresholdSegmentation
- ResampleScalarVolume
- RigidRegistration
- TestGridTransformRegistration
- MRIBiasFieldCorrection
Are the following modules used:
- MIDASApplications
- BatchMakeApplications