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Home < Documentation < Nightly < Developers < Tutorials < UploadTestData


Slicer has adopted MIDAS to store testing and algorithm validation dataset. For this purpose, we have created a dedicated NA-MIC MIDAS community

In the NA-MIC community Slicer/Data folder, you will find:

To organize the test data based on Slicer major release, you will find sub folders like:

  • Nightly
  • 4.2
  • 4.3

Note Each time a release of Slicer is done, for both the Application and Modules/<ModuleName> folders, the current Nightly is copied into an X.Y folders where X and Y corresponds to the major and minor release number of Slicer.

Test data are expected to be stored in folders like:

  • Nightly/Testing/Baseline
  • Nightly/Testing/Input
  • X.Y/Testing/Baseline
  • X.Y/Testing/Input


  • Input: Used to store testing input data.
  • Baseline: Used to store the baseline images for regression tests.

Upload test data

  1. Ask to be added to the DataManager group on NA-MIC community. That will grant you read/write in the Data folder.
  2. Create a sub folder for your Module.
  3. Create a Nightly sub-folder.
  4. Upload data in folders Nightly/Testing/Baseline and Nightly/Testing/Input