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Introduction and Acknowledgements
Authors: Acknowledgements:
Module Description
The Modeling module is a C++ SlicerAstro wrapping of 3DBAROLO [1],
a 3D algorithm to derive rotation curves of galaxies, developed by Enrico di Teodoro (Australian National University).
In addition, SlicerAstro provides an easy and interactive interface to comapre the generated models with the data
and change the parameters of such models to refine the analysis of the kinematics of a galaxy.
Panels and their use
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@ARTICLE{2015MNRAS.451.3021D, author = {{Di Teodoro}, E.~M. and {Fraternali}, F.}, title = "{$^{3D}$ BAROLO: a new 3D algorithm to derive rotation curves of galaxies}", journal = {\mnras}, archivePrefix = "arXiv", eprint = {1505.07834}, keywords = {methods: data analysis, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics}, year = 2015, month = aug, volume = 451, pages = {3021-3033}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stv1213}, adsurl = {}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} }