CCA:Atlases:Florins 2010 Hierarchy
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- 1 human body
- 1.1 head
- 1.2 neck
- 1.3 thorax
- 1.4 abdomen
- 1.5 female external genitalia
- 1.6 male external genitalia
- 1.7 upper limbs
- 1.7.1 right upper limb
- 1.7.2 left upper limb
- 1.8 lower limbs
- 1.9 peripheral nervous system
- 1.10 circulatory system
- 1.11 lymphatic system
- 2 material
- 3 pathology
- 4 foreign objects
- 5 segmentation regions
human body
soft tissue of head
- skin of head
- muscles of head
- masticatory muscles
- right temporal muscle
- left temporal muscle
- right masseter muscle
- left masseter muscle
- right lateral pterygoid muscle
- left lateral pterygoid muscle
- right medial pterygoid muscle
- left medial pterygoid muscle
- facial muscles
- frontal muscle
- corrugator muscle
- right orbicularis occuli muscle
- left orbicularis occuli muscle
- right levator angulis oris muscle
- left levator angulis oris muscle
- orbicularis oris muscle
- right risorius muscle
- left risorius muscle
- right nasalis muscle
- left nasalis muscle
- right mentalis muscle
- left mentalis muscle
- right depressor labii inferioris muscle
- left depressor labii inferioris muscle
- right depressor angulis oris muscle
- left depressor angulis oris muscle
- right buccinator muscle
- left buccinator muscle
- right occipitalis muscle
- left occipitalis muscle
- masticatory muscles
- salivary glands
- right parotid gland
- left parotid gland
- right sublingual gland
- left sublingual gland
- right submandibular gland
- left submandibular gland
- lips
- nose
- nasal septum
- right nostril
- left nostril
- tongue
- soft palate
- right tonsil
- left tonsil
- right external ear
- left external ear
- right middle ear
- left middle ear
- right internal ear
- left internal ear
- right eyeball
- left eyeball
skeleton of the head
- right frontal bone
- left frontal bone
- right parietal bone
- left parietal bone
- right temporal bone
- right stapes
- right incus
- right malleus
- left temporal bone
- left stapes
- left incus
- left malleus
- right sphenoid bone
- left sphenoid bone
- right ethmoid bone
- left ethmoid bone
- occipital bone
- maxilla
- right zygomatic bone
- left zygomatic bone
- right lacrimal bone
- left lacrimal bone
- vomer bone
- right palatine bone
- left palatine bone
- mandible
central nervous system
- dura mater
- arachnoid
- pia mater
- CSF spaces
- ventricles of brain
- right lateral ventricle
- left lateral ventricle
- third ventricle
- cerebral aqueduct
- fourth ventricle
- subarachnoid space
- ventricles of brain
- brain parenchyma
- gray matter of brain
- telencephalon
- cerebral cortex
- right frontal lobe
- right superior frontal gyrus
- right middle frontal gyrus
- right inferior frontal gyrus
- right orbital gyri
- right straight gyrus
- right precentral gyrus
- right paracentral lobule
- right frontal pole
- left frontal lobe
- left superior frontal gyrus
- left middle frontal gyrus
- left inferior frontal gyrus
- left orbital gyri
- left straight gyrus
- left precentral gyrus
- left paracentral lobule
- left frontal pole
- right temporal lobe
- right superior temporal gyrus
- right middle temporal gyrus
- right inferior temporal gyrus
- right hippocampus
- right parahippocampal gyrus
- right temporal part of medial occipitotemporal gyrus
- right temporal part of lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
- right uncus
- left temporal lobe
- left superior temporal gyrus
- left middle temporal gyrus
- left inferior temporal gyrus
- left hippocampus
- left parahippocampal gyrus
- left temporal part of medial occipitotemporal gyrus
- left temporal part of lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
- left uncus
- right parietal lobe
- right postcentral gyrus
- right superior parietal lobule
- right inferior parietal lobule
- right precuneus
- left parietal lobe
- left postcentral gyrus
- left superior parietal lobule
- left inferior parietal lobule
- left precuneus
- right occipital lobe
- right superior occipital gyri
- right inferior occipital gyri
- right gyrus descendens
- right lingual gyrus
- right occipital part of medial occipitotemporal gyrus
- right occipital part of lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
- right cuneus
- right occipital pole
- left occipital lobe
- left superior occipital gyri
- left inferior occipital gyri
- left gyrus descendens
- left lingual gyrus
- left occipital part of medial occipitotemporal gyrus
- left occipital part of lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
- left cuneus
- left occipital pole
- right insular lobe
- right limen of insula
- right long insular gyrus
- right short insular gyri
- left insular lobe
- left limen of insula
- left long insular gyrus
- left short insular gyri
- right limbic lobe
- right cingulate gyrus
- right paraterminal gyrus
- right indusium griseum
- right olfactory bulb
- right olfactory tract
- left limbic lobe
- left cingulate gyrus
- left paraterminal gyrus
- left indusium griseum
- left olfactory bulb
- left olfactory tract
- right frontal lobe
- subcortical gray matter of telencephalon
- right striatum
- right nucleus accumbens
- right caudate nucleus
- right putamen
- left striatum
- left nucleus accumbens
- left caudate nucleus
- left putamen
- right pallidum
- right globus pallidus pars externa
- right globus pallidus pars interna
- left pallidum
- left globus pallidus pars externa
- left globus pallidus pars interna
- septal nuclei
- right amygdaloid complex
- left amygdaloid complex
- right claustrum
- left claustrum
- right striatum
- cerebral cortex
- diencephalon
- right thalamus
- right thalamic nuclei
- left thalamus
- left thalamic nuclei
- right subthalamus
- right subthalamic nucleus
- left subthalamus
- left subthalamic nucleus
- hypothalamus
- hypothalamic nuclei
- right mamillary bodies
- left mamillary bodies
- right substantia perforata
- right anterior substantia perforata
- right posterior substantia perforata
- left substantia perforata
- left anterior substantia perforata
- left posterior substantia perforata
- pituitary infundibulum
- right epithalamus
- right habenula
- right habenular nuclei
- right habenula
- left epithalamus
- left habenula
- left habenular nuclei
- pineal body
- left habenula
- gray matter of mesencephalon
- right red nucleus
- left red nucleus
- right substantia nigra
- right substantia nigra pars compacta
- right substantia nigra pars reticularis
- left substantia nigra
- left substantia nigra pars compacta
- left substantia nigra pars reticularis
- right superior colliculus
- left superior colliculus
- right inferior colliculus
- left inferior colliculus
- right oculomotor nuclei (CN III)
- left oculomotor nuclei (CN III)
- right trochlear nucleus (CN IV)
- left trochlear nucleus (CN IV)
- mesencephalic nucleus of right trigeminal nerve (CN V)
- mesencephalic nucleus of left trigeminal nerve (CN V)
- periaqueductal gray matter
- gray matter of metencephalon
- gray matter of pons
- principal sensory nucleus of right trigeminal nerve (CN V)
- principal sensory nucleus of left trigeminal nerve (CN V)
- motor nucleus of right trigeminal nerve (CN V)
- motor nucleus of left trigeminal nerve (CN V)
- right abducent nerve nucleus
- left abducent nerve nucleus
- right facial nerve nucleus
- left facial nerve nucleus
- cerebellar gray matter
- right cerebellar cortex
- left cerebellar cortex
- subcortical cerebellar gray matter
- right dentate nucleus
- left dentate nucleus
- right emboliform nucleus
- left emboliform nucleus
- right globose nucleus
- left globose nucleus
- right fastigial nucleus
- left fastigial nucleus
- gray matter of medulla oblongata
- spinal nucleus of right trigeminal nerve (CN V)
- spinal nucleus of left trigeminal nerve (CN V)
- right cochlear nuclei (CN VIII)
- left cochlear nuclei (CN VIII)
- right vestibular nuclei (CN VIII)
- left vestibular nuclei (CN VIII)
- right superior salivatory nucleus
- left superior salivatory nucleus
- right inferior salivatory nucleus
- left inferior salivatory nucleus
- right nucleus ambiguus
- left nucleus ambiguus
- right dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve (CN X)
- left dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve (CN X)
- right solitary tract nucleus
- left solitary tract nucleus
- right hypoglossal nerve nucleus
- left hypoglossal nerve nucleus
- gray matter of pons
- right thalamus
- telencephalon
- cerebral white matter
- association white matter tracts
- U-fibers
- right superior longitudinal fasciculus
- left superior longitudinal fasciculus
- right inferior longitudinal fasciculus
- left inferior longitudinal fasciculus
- right arcuate fasciculus
- left arcuate fasciculus
- right uncinate fasciculus
- left uncinate fasciculus
- right cingulum bundle
- left cingulum bundle
- projection fibers
- right corticospinal tract
- left corticospinal tract
- right corticomesencephalic tract
- left corticomesencephalic tract
- right corticopontine tract
- left corticopontine tract
- right corticobulbar tract
- left corticobulbar tract
- right optic radiation
- left optic radiation
- right radiation of thalamus
- left radiation of thalamus
- right medial lemniscus
- left medial lemniscus
- right lateral lemniscus
- left lateral lemniscus
- right superior cerebellar peduncle
- left superior cerebellar peduncle
- right middle cerebellar peduncle
- left middle cerebellar peduncle
- right inferior cerebellar peduncle
- left inferior cerebellar peduncle
- optic chiasm
- left optic tract
- right optic tract
- right fornix
- left fornix
- right mammillothalamic tract
- left mammillothalamic tract
- right mamillotegmental tract
- left mamillotegmental tract
- right thalamic fasciculus
- left thalamic fasciculus
- right ansa lenticularis
- left ansa lenticularis
- right lenticular fasciculus
- left lenticular fasciculus
- commissural fibers
- corpus callosum
- anterior commissure
- posterior commissure
- association white matter tracts
- cerebellar white matter
- gray matter of brain
spinal cord
- gray matter of spinal cord
- right anterior horn
- left anterior horn
- right posterior horn
- left posterior horn
- white matter of spinal cord
- right anterior column
- left anterior column
- right lateral column
- left lateral column
- right posterior column
- left posterior column
endocrine system of brain
- pituitary gland
- adenohypophysis
- neurohypophysis
soft tissue of neck
skin of neck
muscles of neck
- thyroid cartilage
- cricoid cartilage
- epiglottic cartilage
- right arytenoid cartilage
- left arytenoid cartilage
- right vocal cord
- left vocal cord
thyroid gland
parathyroid glands
- right parathyroid glands
- left parathyroid glands
skeleton of neck
- hyoid bone
- cervical vertebral column
- cervical vertebrae
- first cervical vertebra
- second cervical vertebra
- third cervical vertebra
- fourth cervical vertebra
- fifth cervical vertebra
- sixth cervical vertebra
- seventh cervical vertebra
- cervical vertebrae
soft tissue of thorax
soft tissue of thoracic wall
Skin of thoracic wall
muscles of thoracic wall
contents of thoracic cavity
bronchial system
- right main bronchus
- interlobar bronchus
- proximal interlobular bronchus
- intermediate interlobular bronchus
- proximal interlobular bronchus
- middle lobar bronchus
- lateral segmental bronchus
- anterior ramus of lateral segmental bronchus
- posterior ramus of lateral segmental bronchus
- medial segmental bronchus
- inferior ramus of medial segmental bronchus
- superior ramus of medial segmental bronchus
- lateral segmental bronchus
- right inferior lobar bronchus
- right anterior basal segmental bronchus
- basal ramus of right anterior basal segmental bronchus
- lateral ramus of right anterior basal segmental bronchus
- right lateral basal segmental bronchus
- basal ramus of right lateral basal segmental bronchus
- lateral ramus of right lateral basal segmental bronchus
- right medial basal segmental bronchus
- anterior ramus of right medial basal segmental bronchus
- medial ramus of right medial basal segmental bronchus
- right posterior basal segmental bronchus
- accessory subsuperior ramus of right posterior basal segmental bronchus
- laterobasal ramus of right posterior basal segmental bronchus
- mediobasal ramus of right posterior basal segmental bronchus
- right superior segmental bronchus
- lateral ramus of right superior segmental bronchus
- medial ramus of right superior segmental bronchus
- paravertebral subramus of medial ramus of right superior segmental bronchus
- posterior subramus of medial ramus of right superior segmental bronchus
- superior ramus of right superior segmental bronchus
- right anterior basal segmental bronchus
- right main bronchus proper
- right superior lobar bronchus
- extrapulmonary part of right superior lobar bronchus
- intrapulmonary part of right superior lobar bronchus
- right anterior segmental bronchus
- anterior ramus of right anterior segmental bronchus
- posterior ramus of right anterior segmental bronchus
- inferior subramus of posterior ramus of right anterior segmental bronchus
- superior subramus of posterior ramus of right anterior segmental bronchus
- right apical segmental bronchus
- anterior ramus of right apical segmental bronchus
- apical ramus of right apical segmental bronchus
- right posterior segmental bronchus
- apical ramus of right posterior segmental bronchus
- posterior ramus of right posterior segmental bronchus
- interlobar bronchus
- left main bronchus
- left inferior lobar bronchus
- left anterior basal segmental bronchus
- basal ramus of left anterior basal segmental bronchus
- lateral ramus of left anterior basal segmental bronchus
- left lateral basal segmental bronchus
- accessory subsuperior ramus of left lateral basal segmental bronchus
- basal ramus of left lateral basal segmental bronchus
- left medial basal segmental bronchus
- latero-anterior ramus of left medial basal segmental bronchus
- medio-anterior ramus of left medial basal segmental bronchus
- left posterior basal segmental bronchus
- accessory subsuperior ramus of left posterior basal segmental bronchus
- laterobasal ramus of left posterior basal segmental bronchus
- mediobasal ramus of left posterior basal segmental bronchus
- left superior segmental bronchus
- lateral ramus of left superior segmental bronchus
- medial ramus of left superior segmental bronchus
- paravertebral subramus of medial ramus of left superior segmental bronchus
- posterior subramus of medial ramus of left superior segmental bronchus
- superior ramus of left superior segmental bronchus
- left anterior basal segmental bronchus
- left superior lobar bronchus
- left anterior segmental bronchus
- anterior ramus of left anterior segmental bronchus
- posterior ramus of left anterior segmental bronchus
- left apical segmental bronchus
- anterior ramus of left apical segmental bronchus
- apical ramus of left apical segmental bronchus
- left posterior segmental bronchus
- apical ramus of left posterior segmental bronchus
- posterior ramus of left posterior segmental bronchus
- left anterior segmental bronchus
- left inferior lobar bronchus
right lung
- superior lobe of right lung
- middle lobe of right lung
- inferior lobe of right lung
left lung
- superior lobe of left lung
- inferior lobe of left lung
- parietal pleura
- visceral pleura
- pleural cavity
- right atrium
- left atrium
- atrial septum
- ventricular septum
- right ventricle of heart
- papillary muscles of right ventricle of heart
- chordae tendineae of right ventricle of heart
- left ventricle of heart
- papillary muscles of left ventricle of heart
- chordae tendineae of left ventricle of heart
- mitral valve
- tricuspid valve
- aortic valve
- pulmonary valve
- pericardial cavity
skeleton of thorax
- thoracic vertebral column
- thoracic vertebrae
- first thoracic vertebra
- second thoracic vertebra
- third thoracic vertebra
- fourth thoracic vertebra
- fifth thoracic vertebra
- sixth thoracic vertebra
- seventh thoracic vertebra
- eighth thoracic vertebra
- ninth thoracic vertebra
- tenth thoracic vertebra
- eleventh thoracic vertebra
- twelfth thoracic vertebra
- thoracic vertebrae
- ribs
- right ribs
- right first rib
- right second rib
- right third rib
- right fourth rib
- right fifth rib
- right sixth rib
- right seventh rib
- right eighth rib
- right ninth rib
- right tenth rib
- right eleventh rib
- right twelfth rib
- left ribs
- left first rib
- left second rib
- left third rib
- left fourth rib
- left fifth rib
- left sixth rib
- left seventh rib
- left eighth rib
- left ninth rib
- left tenth rib
- left eleventh rib
- left twelfth rib
- right ribs
- sternum
- manubrium
- body of sternum
- xyphoid process
- right clavicle
- left clavicle
soft tissue of abdomen
soft tissue of abdominal wall
skin of abdominal wall
muscles of abdominal wall
contents of abdominal cavity
- peritoneum
- parietal peritoneum
- visceral peritoneum
- omentum
- peritoneal cavity
- bursa omentalis
- rectouterine pouch
- falciform ligament
- mesentery
- mesocolon
- transverse mesocolon
- sigmoid mesocolon
- broad ligament of uterus
- mesometrium
- mesosalpinx
- mesovarium
- retroperitoneal space
- stomach
- cardia
- fundus of stomach
- body of stomach
- pylorus
- duodenum
- duodenal ampulla
- small bowel
- jejunum
- ileum
- colon
- cecum
- ileocecal valve
- appendix
- ascending colon
- transverse colon
- sigmoid colon
- rectum
- anus
- cecum
- liver
- capsule of liver
- right lobe of liver
- left lobe of liver
- caudate lobe of liver
- quadrate lobe of liver
- ligamentum teres of liver
- biliary tree
- right hepatic duct
- left hepatic duct
- common hepatic duct
- common bile duct
- cystic duct
- gallbladder
- pancreas
- head of pancreas
- body of pancreas
- tail of pancreas
- pancreatic duct
- islets of Langerhans
- spleen
- urinary system
- right kidney
- parenchyma of right kidney
- cortex of right kidney
- medulla of right kidney
- parenchyma of right kidney
- right renal pelvis
- left kidney
- parenchyma of left kidney
- cortex of left kidney
- medulla of left kidney
- parenchyma of left kidney
- left renal pelvis
- right ureter
- left ureter
- urinary bladder
- urethra
- right kidney
- right adrenal gland
- right adrenal cortex
- right adrenal medulla
- left adrenal gland
- left adrenal cortex
- left adrenal medulla
- female internal genitalia
- uterus
- fundus of uterus
- body of uterus
- cervix
- right round ligament
- left round ligament
- right uterosacral ligament
- left uterosacral ligament
- right pubocervical ligament
- left pubocervical ligament
- right fallopian tube
- left fallopian tube
- right ovary
- left ovary
- vagina
- uterus
- male internal genitalia
- prostate
- right seminal vesicle
- left seminal vesicle
- right deferent duct
- left deferent duct
skeleton of abdomen
vertebral column of abdomen
lumbar vertebral column
- lumbar vertebrae
- first lumbar vertebra
- second lumbar vertebra
- third lumbar vertebra
- fourth lumbar vertebra
- fifth lumbar vertebra
female external genitalia
- vulval vestibule
- hymen
- right labium majus
- left labium majus
- right labium minis
- left labium minis
- praeputium
- clitoris
- glans of clitoris
- body of clitoris
- corpus cavernosum of clitoris
- prepuce of clitoris
- right greater vestibular gland
- left greater vestibular gland
male external genitalia
- glans of penis
- meatus
- shaft
- corpus cavernosum of penis
- spongious body
- prepuce of penis
- skin of scrotum
- dartos layer
- right cremaster muscle
- left cremaster muscle
- right testicle
- left testicle
- right epididymis
- left epididymis
- right spermatic cord
- left spermatic cord
upper limbs
right upper limb
right shoulder
soft tissue of right shoulder
- skin of right shoulder
- muscles and tendons of right shoulder
- muscles of right shoulder
- tendons of right shoulder
skeleton of right shoulder
- right scapula
right arm
soft tissue of right arm
- skin of right arm
- muscles and tendons of right arm
- muscles of right arm
- tendons of right arm
skeleton of right arm
- right humerus
right elbow
soft tissue of right elbow
- skin of right elbow
- muscles and tendons of right elbow
- muscles of right elbow
- tendons of right elbow
skeleton of right elbow
- right elbow joint
right forearm
soft tissue of right forearm
- skin of right forearm
- muscles and tendons of right forearm
- muscles of right forearm
- tendons of right forearm
skeleton of right forearm
- right radius
- right ulna
right hand
soft tissue of right hand
- skin of right hand
- muscles and tendons of right hand
- muscles of right hand
- tendons of right hand
skeleton of right hand
- right wrist
- right scaphoid
- right lunate
- right triquetrum
- right pisiform
- right trapezium
- right trapezoid
- right capitate
- right hamate
- right metacarpus
- metacarpal bones of right hand
- right first metacarpal bone
- right second metacarpal bone
- right third metacarpal bone
- right fourth metacarpal bone
- right fifth metacarpal bone
- metacarpal bones of right hand
- phalanges of right hand
left upper limb
left shoulder
soft tissue of left shoulder
- skin of left shoulder
- muscles and tendons of left shoulder
- muscles of left shoulder
- tendons of left shoulder
skeleton of left shoulder
- left scapula
left arm
soft tissue of left arm
- skin of left arm
- muscles and tendons of left arm
- muscles of left arm
- tendons of left arm
skeleton of left arm
- left humerus
left elbow
soft tissue of left elbow
- skin of left elbow
- muscles and tendons of left elbow
- muscles of left elbow
- tendons of left elbow
skeleton of left elbow
- left elbow joint
left forearm
soft tissue of left forearm
- skin of left forearm
- muscles and tendons of left forearm
- muscles of left forearm
- tendons of left forearm
skeleton of left forearm
- left radius
- left ulna
left hand
soft tissue of left hand
- skin of left hand
- muscles and tendons of left hand
- muscles of left hand
- tendons of left hand
skeleton of left hand
- left wrist
- left scaphoid
- left lunate
- left triquetrum
- left pisiform
- left trapezium
- left trapezoid
- left capitate
- left hamate
- left metacarpus
- metacarpal bones of left hand
- left first metacarpal bone
- left second metacarpal bone
- left third metacarpal bone
- left fourth metacarpal bone
- left fifth metacarpal bone
- metacarpal bones of left hand
- phalanges of left hand
lower limbs
right lower limb
right hip
soft tissue of right hip
- skin of right hip
- muscles and tendons of right hip
- muscles of right hip
- tendons of right hip
skeleton of right hip
- right hip joint
- right hip bone
- right ischium
- right ilium
- right pubis
right thigh
soft tissue of right thigh
- skin of right thigh
- muscles and tendons of right thigh
- muscles of right thigh
- tendons of right thigh
skeleton of right thigh
- right femur
right knee
soft tissue of right knee
- skin of right knee
- muscles and tendons of right knee
- muscles of right knee
- tendons of right knee
skeleton of right knee
- right knee joint
right leg
soft tissue of right leg
- skin of right leg
- muscles and tendons of right leg
- muscles of right leg
- tendons of right leg
skeleton of right leg
- right tibia
- right fibula
right foot
soft tissue of right foot
- skin of right foot
- muscles and tendons of right foot
- muscles of right foot
- tendons of right foot
skeleton of right foot
- right ankle
- right talus
- right calcaneus
- right navicular
- right medial cuneiform bone
- right intermediate cuneiform bone
- right lateral cuneiform bone
- right cuboid
- right metatarsus
- metatarsal bones of right foot
- right first metatarsal bone
- right second metatarsal bone
- right third metatarsal bone
- right fourth metatarsal bone
- right fifth metatarsal bone
- metatarsal bones of right foot
- phalanges of right foot
left lower limb
left hip
soft tissue of left hip
- skin of left hip
- muscles and tendons of left hip
- muscles of left hip
- tendons of left hip
skeleton of left hip
- left hip joint
- left hip bone
- left ischium
- left ilium
- left pubis
left thigh
soft tissue of left thigh
- skin of left thigh
- muscles and tendons of left thigh
- muscles of left thigh
- tendons of left thigh
skeleton of left thigh
- left femur
left knee
soft tissue of left knee
- skin of left knee
- muscles and tendons of left knee
- muscles of left knee
- tendons of left knee
skeleton of left knee
- left knee joint
left leg
soft tissue of left leg
- skin of left leg
- muscles and tendons of left leg
- muscles of left leg
- tendons of left leg
skeleton of left leg
- left tibia
- left fibula
left foot
soft tissue of left foot
- skin of left foot
- muscles and tendons of left foot
- muscles of left foot
- tendons of left foot
skeleton of left foot
- left ankle
- left talus
- left calcaneus
- left navicular
- left medial cuneiform bone
- left intermediate cuneiform bone
- left lateral cuneiform bone
- left cuboid
- left metatarsus
- metatarsal bones of left foot
- left first metatarsal bone
- left second metatarsal bone
- left third metatarsal bone
- left fourth metatarsal bone
- left fifth metatarsal bone
- metatarsal bones of left foot
- phalanges of left foot
peripheral nervous system
- autonomic nerve
- splanchnic nerve
- lumbar splanchnic nerve
- first lumbar splanchnic nerve
- left first lumbar splanchnic nerve
- right first lumbar splanchnic nerve
- fourth lumbar splanchnic nerve
- left fourth lumbar splanchnic nerve
- right fourth lumbar splanchnic nerve
- second lumbar splanchnic nerve
- left second lumbar splanchnic nerve
- right second lumbar splanchnic nerve
- third lumbar splanchnic nerve
- left third lumbar splanchnic nerve
- right third lumbar splanchnic nerve
- first lumbar splanchnic nerve
- pelvic splanchnic nerve
- sacral splanchnic nerve
- thoracic splanchnic nerve
- greater splanchnic nerve
- left greater splanchnic nerve
- right greater splanchnic nerve
- least splanchnic nerve
- left least splanchnic nerve
- right least splanchnic nerve
- lesser splanchnic nerve
- left lesser splanchnic nerve
- right lesser splanchnic nerve
- greater splanchnic nerve
- lumbar splanchnic nerve
- sympathetic trunk
- left sympathetic trunk
- right sympathetic trunk
- splanchnic nerve
- cranial nerve
- abducens nerve
- left abducens nerve
- right abducens nerve
- facial nerve
- left facial nerve
- right facial nerve
- glossopharyngeal nerve
- left glossopharyngeal nerve
- right glossopharyngeal nerve
- hypoglossal nerve
- left hypoglossal nerve
- right hypoglossal nerve
- oculomotor nerve
- left oculomotor nerve
- right oculomotor nerve
- trigeminal nerve
- left trigeminal nerve
- right trigeminal nerve
- trochlear nerve
- left trochlear nerve
- right trochlear nerve
- vagus nerve
- left vagus nerve
- right vagus nerve
- vestibulocochlear nerve
- left vestibulocochlear nerve
- right vestibulocochlear nerve
- abducens nerve
- cranial nerve-tract complex
- olfactory nerve-tract complex
- optic nerve-tract complex
- intercostal nerve
- eighth intercostal nerve
- left eighth intercostal nerve
- right eighth intercostal nerve
- eleventh intercostal nerve
- left eleventh intercostal nerve
- right eleventh intercostal nerve
- fifth intercostal nerve
- left fifth intercostal nerve
- right fifth intercostal nerve
- first intercostal nerve
- left first intercostal nerve
- right first intercostal nerve
- fourth intercostal nerve
- left fourth intercostal nerve
- right fourth intercostal nerve
- ninth intercostal nerve
- left ninth intercostal nerve
- right ninth intercostal nerve
- second intercostal nerve
- left second intercostal nerve
- right second intercostal nerve
- seventh intercostal nerve
- left seventh intercostal nerve
- right seventh intercostal nerve
- sixth intercostal nerve
- left sixth intercostal nerve
- right sixth intercostal nerve
- subcostal nerve
- left subcostal nerve
- right subcostal nerve
- tenth intercostal nerve
- left tenth intercostal nerve
- right tenth intercostal nerve
- third intercostal nerve
- left third intercostal nerve
- right third intercostal nerve
- eighth intercostal nerve
- peripheral nerve
- anococcygeal nerve
- left anococcygeal nerve
- right anococcygeal nerve
- axillary nerve
- left axillary nerve
- right axillary nerve
- femoral nerve
- left femoral nerve
- right femoral nerve
- great auricular nerve
- left great auricular nerve
- right great auricular nerve
- lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
- lateral cutaneous nerve of left arm
- lateral cutaneous nerve of right arm
- lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- left lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- right lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- lateral pectoral nerve
- left lateral pectoral nerve
- right lateral pectoral nerve
- long thoracic nerve
- left long thoracic nerve
- right long thoracic nerve
- medial cutaneous nerve of arm
- medial cutaneous nerve of left arm
- medial cutaneous nerve of right arm
- medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
- medial cutaneous nerve of left forearm
- medial cutaneous nerve of right forearm
- medial pectoral nerve
- left medial pectoral nerve
- right medial pectoral nerve
- median nerve
- left median nerve
- right median nerve
- musculocutaneous nerve
- left musculocutaneous nerve
- right musculocutaneous nerve
- nerve to sternocleidomastoid
- nerve to left sternocleidomastoid
- nerve to right sternocleidomastoid
- nerve to subclavius
- nerve to left subclavius
- nerve to right subclavius
- nerve to subcostal muscle
- nerve to left subcostal muscle
- nerve to right subcostal muscle
- perforating cutaneous nerve
- left perforating cutaneous nerve
- right perforating cutaneous nerve
- phrenic nerve
- left phrenic nerve
- right phrenic nerve
- pudendal nerve
- left pudendal nerve
- right pudendal nerve
- radial nerve
- left radial nerve
- right radial nerve
- subclavian nerve
- left subclavian nerve
- right subclavian nerve
- subscapular nerve
- inferior subscapular nerve
- left inferior subscapular nerve
- right inferior subscapular nerve
- superior subscapular nerve
- left superior subscapular nerve
- right superior subscapular nerve
- inferior subscapular nerve
- supraclavicular nerve
- left supraclavicular nerve
- right supraclavicular nerve
- suprascapular nerve
- left suprascapular nerve
- right suprascapular nerve
- thoracodorsal nerve
- left thoracodorsal nerve
- right thoracodorsal nerve
- transverse cervical nerve
- left transverse cervical nerve
- right transverse cervical nerve
- ulnar nerve
- left ulnar nerve
- right ulnar nerve
- anococcygeal nerve
- spinal accessory nerve
- left spinal accessory nerve
- right spinal accessory nerve
- spinal nerve
- cervical nerve
- eighth cervical nerve
- left eighth cervical nerve
- right eighth cervical nerve
- fifth cervical nerve
- left fifth cervical nerve
- right fifth cervical nerve
- first cervical nerve
- left first cervical nerve
- right first cervical nerve
- fourth cervical nerve
- left fourth cervical nerve
- right fourth cervical nerve
- second cervical nerve
- left second cervical nerve
- right second cervical nerve
- seventh cervical nerve
- left seventh cervical nerve
- right seventh cervical nerve
- sixth cervical nerve
- left sixth cervical nerve
- right sixth cervical nerve
- third cervical nerve
- left third cervical nerve
- right third cervical nerve
- eighth cervical nerve
- coccygeal nerve
- left coccygeal nerve
- right coccygeal nerve
- lumbar nerve
- fifth lumbar nerve
- left fifth lumbar nerve
- right fifth lumbar nerve
- first lumbar nerve
- left first lumbar nerve
- right first lumbar nerve
- fourth lumbar nerve
- left fourth lumbar nerve
- right fourth lumbar nerve
- second lumbar nerve
- left second lumbar nerve
- right second lumbar nerve
- third lumbar nerve
- left third lumbar nerve
- right third lumbar nerve
- fifth lumbar nerve
- sacral nerve
- fifth sacral nerve
- left fifth sacral nerve
- right fifth sacral nerve
- first sacral nerve
- left first sacral nerve
- right first sacral nerve
- fourth sacral nerve
- left fourth sacral nerve
- right fourth sacral nerve
- second sacral nerve
- left second sacral nerve
- right second sacral nerve
- third sacral nerve
- left third sacral nerve
- right third sacral nerve
- fifth sacral nerve
- thoracic nerve
- eighth thoracic nerve
- left eighth thoracic nerve
- right eighth thoracic nerve
- eleventh thoracic nerve
- left eleventh thoracic nerve
- right eleventh thoracic nerve
- fifth thoracic nerve
- left fifth thoracic nerve
- right fifth thoracic nerve
- first thoracic nerve
- left first thoracic nerve
- right first thoracic nerve
- fourth thoracic nerve
- left fourth thoracic nerve
- right fourth thoracic nerve
- ninth thoracic nerve
- left ninth thoracic nerve
- right ninth thoracic nerve
- second thoracic nerve
- left second thoracic nerve
- right second thoracic nerve
- seventh thoracic nerve
- left seventh thoracic nerve
- right seventh thoracic nerve
- sixth thoracic nerve
- left sixth thoracic nerve
- right sixth thoracic nerve
- tenth thoracic nerve
- left tenth thoracic nerve
- right tenth thoracic nerve
- third thoracic nerve
- left third thoracic nerve
- right third thoracic nerve
- twelfth thoracic nerve
- left twelfth thoracic nerve
- right twelfth thoracic nerve
- eighth thoracic nerve
- variant spinal nerve
- cervical nerve
circulatory system
systemic arterial system
- systemic arterial tree
- aorta
- ascending aorta
- anterior aortic sinus
- ascending aorta proper
- left coronary artery
- left posterior aortic sinus
- right coronary artery
- right conus artery
- right posterior aortic sinus
- descending aorta
- abdominal aorta
- infrarenal aorta
- left inferior phrenic artery
- left superior suprarenal artery
- right inferior phrenic artery
- right superior suprarenal artery
- suprarenal aorta
- terminal aorta
- descending thoracic aorta
- abdominal aorta
- ascending aorta
- brachiocephalic artery
- right common carotid artery
- right external carotid artery
- right ascending pharyngeal artery
- right inferior tympanic artery
- right palatine artery
- right posterior meningeal artery
- right facial artery
- right angular artery
- right ascending palatine artery
- right inferior labial artery
- right lateral nasal artery
- right submental artery
- right superior labial artery
- right tonsillar artery
- right lingual artery
- right dorsal lingual artery
- right sublingual artery
- right suprahyoid artery
- right maxillary artery
- right accessory meningeal artery
- right anterior deep temporal artery
- right anterior tympanic artery
- right buccal artery
- right deep auricular artery
- right descending palatine artery
- right greater palatine artery
- right lesser palatine artery
- right pharyngeal artery
- right inferior alveolar artery
- right mental artery
- right mylohyoid artery
- right infra-orbital artery
- right anterior superior alveolar artery
- right masseteric artery
- right middle meningeal artery
- right superior tympanic artery
- right posterior deep temporal artery
- right posterior superior alveolar artery
- right pterygomeningeal artery
- right sphenopalatine artery
- right posterior lateral nasal artery
- right occipital artery
- right mastoid artery
- right posterior auricular artery
- right stylomastoid artery
- right posterior tympanic artery
- right stylomastoid artery
- right superficial temporal artery
- right middle temporal artery
- right transverse facial artery
- right zygomatico-orbital artery
- right superior thyroid artery
- right cricothyroid artery
- right infrahyoid artery
- right sternocleidomastoid artery
- right superior laryngeal artery
- right ascending pharyngeal artery
- right internal carotid artery
- cerebral arterial circle
- anterior communicating artery
- median callosal artery
- median commissural artery
- suprachiasmatic artery
- left posterior communicating artery
- left mammillary artery
- left thalamotuberal artery
- right posterior communicating artery
- right mammillary artery
- right thalamotuberal artery
- anterior communicating artery
- right anterior cerebral artery
- right callosomarginal artery
- right distal medial striate artery
- right medial frontobasal artery
- right pericallosal artery
- right polar frontal artery
- right pre-optic artery
- right proximal medial striate artery
- right supra-optic artery
- right anterior choroidal artery
- right caroticotympanic artery
- right inferior hypophyseal artery
- right middle cerebral artery
- right anterior parietal artery
- right anterior temporal artery
- right insular artery
- right lateral frontobasal artery
- right polar temporal artery
- right posterior parietal artery
- right posterior temporal artery
- right prefrontal artery
- right recurrent temporal artery
- right ophthalmic artery
- right anterior ethmoidal artery
- right central retinal artery
- right inferior central retinal artery
- right inferior nasal retinal artery
- right inferior temporal retinal artery
- right inferior macular artery
- right middle macular arteriole
- right superior central retinal artery
- right superior nasal retinal artery
- right superior temporal retinal artery
- right superior macular artery
- right inferior central retinal artery
- right dorsal nasal artery
- right lacrimal artery
- right lateral palpebral artery
- right long posterior ciliary artery
- right medial palpebral artery
- right inferior palpebral arch
- right posterior conjunctival artery
- right superior palpebral arch
- right posterior ethmoidal artery
- right short posterior ciliary artery
- right supra-orbital artery
- right supratrochlear artery
- right pterygoid artery
- right superior hypophyseal artery
- right uncal artery
- cerebral arterial circle
- right external carotid artery
- right subclavian artery
- right anterior circumflex humeral artery
- right costocervical artery
- right costocervical trunk
- right deep cervical artery
- right superior intercostal artery
- right first posterior intercostal artery
- right second posterior intercostal artery
- right costocervical trunk
- right deep brachial artery
- right dorsal scapular artery
- right inferior ulnar collateral artery
- right internal thoracic artery
- right fifth anterior intercostal artery
- right first anterior intercostal artery
- right fourth anterior intercostal artery
- right mediastinal artery
- right musculophrenic artery
- right eighth anterior intercostal artery
- right eleventh anterior intercostal artery
- right ninth anterior intercostal artery
- right seventh anterior intercostal artery
- right tenth anterior intercostal artery
- right pericardiacophrenic artery
- right pericardial artery
- right second anterior intercostal artery
- right sixth anterior intercostal artery
- right sternal artery
- right superior epigastric artery
- right third anterior intercostal artery
- right thymic artery
- right lateral thoracic artery
- right posterior circumflex humeral artery
- right radial artery
- right first dorsal metacarpal artery
- right radial recurrent artery
- right subscapular artery
- right circumflex scapular artery
- right infrascapular artery
- right thoracodorsal artery
- right circumflex scapular artery
- right superficial brachial artery
- right superior thoracic artery
- right superior ulnar collateral artery
- right thoraco-acromial artery
- right thyrocervical artery
- right inferior thyroid artery
- right ascending cervical artery
- right inferior laryngeal artery
- right suprascapular artery
- right thyrocervical trunk
- right superficial cervical artery
- right transverse cervical artery
- right variant dorsal scapular artery
- right inferior thyroid artery
- right ulnar artery
- right anterior ulnar recurrent artery
- right common interosseous artery
- right anterior interosseous artery
- right posterior interosseous artery
- right posterior ulnar recurrent artery
- right vertebral artery
- basilar artery
- left anterior inferior cerebellar artery
- left labyrinthine artery
- left anterior vestibular artery
- left common cochlear artery
- left cochlear artery proper
- left spiral modiolar artery
- left vestibulocochlear artery
- left labyrinthine artery
- left pontine artery
- left posterior cerebral artery
- left collicular artery
- left lateral occipital artery
- left medial occipital artery
- left calcarine artery
- left parietal occipital artery
- left splenial artery
- left posterior choroidal artery
- left posterior lateral choroidal artery
- left posterior medial choroidal artery
- left thalamogeniculate artery
- left thalamoperforating artery
- left superior cerebellar artery
- right anterior inferior cerebellar artery
- right labyrinthine artery
- right anterior vestibular artery
- right common cochlear artery
- right cochlear artery proper
- right spiral modiolar artery
- right vestibulocochlear artery
- right labyrinthine artery
- right pontine artery
- right posterior cerebral artery
- right collicular artery
- right lateral occipital artery
- right medial occipital artery
- right calcarine artery
- right parietal occipital artery
- right splenial artery
- right posterior choroidal artery
- right posterior lateral choroidal artery
- right posterior medial choroidal artery
- right thalamogeniculate artery
- right thalamoperforating artery
- right superior cerebellar artery
- left anterior inferior cerebellar artery
- right anterior spinal artery
- right posterior inferior cerebellar artery
- right posterior spinal artery
- basilar artery
- right common carotid artery
- celiac artery
- celiac trunk
- common hepatic artery
- gastroduodenal artery
- anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
- posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
- retroduodenal artery
- right gastro-epiploic artery
- supraduodenal artery
- variant supraduodenal artery
- hepatic artery proper
- left hepatic artery
- accessory left gastric artery
- lateral segmental hepatic artery
- lateral inferior segmental hepatic artery
- lateral superior segmental hepatic artery
- medial segmental hepatic artery
- medial inferior segmental hepatic artery
- medial superior segmental hepatic artery
- right hepatic artery
- anterior segmental hepatic artery
- anterior inferior segmental hepatic artery
- anterior superior segmental hepatic artery
- cystic artery
- posterior segmental hepatic artery
- posterior inferior segmental hepatic artery
- posterior superior segmental hepatic artery
- anterior segmental hepatic artery
- left hepatic artery
- right gastric artery
- gastroduodenal artery
- left gastric artery
- splenic artery
- caudal pancreatic artery
- dorsal pancreatic artery
- great pancreatic artery
- inferior pancreatic artery
- left gastro-epiploic artery
- posterior gastric artery
- prepancreatic artery
- short gastric artery
- esophageal artery
- inferior mesenteric artery
- left colic artery
- sigmoid artery
- superior rectal artery
- left common carotid artery
- left external carotid artery
- left ascending pharyngeal artery
- left inferior tympanic artery
- left palatine artery
- left posterior meningeal artery
- left facial artery
- left angular artery
- left ascending palatine artery
- left inferior labial artery
- left lateral nasal artery
- left submental artery
- left superior labial artery
- left tonsillar artery
- left lingual artery
- left dorsal lingual artery
- left sublingual artery
- left suprahyoid artery
- left maxillary artery
- left accessory meningeal artery
- left anterior deep temporal artery
- left anterior tympanic artery
- left buccal artery
- left deep auricular artery
- left descending palatine artery
- left greater palatine artery
- left lesser palatine artery
- left pharyngeal artery
- left inferior alveolar artery
- left mental artery
- left mylohyoid artery
- left infra-orbital artery
- left anterior superior alveolar artery
- left masseteric artery
- left middle meningeal artery
- left superior tympanic artery
- left posterior deep temporal artery
- left posterior superior alveolar artery
- left pterygomeningeal artery
- left sphenopalatine artery
- left posterior lateral nasal artery
- left occipital artery
- left mastoid artery
- left posterior auricular artery
- left stylomastoid artery
- left posterior tympanic artery
- left stylomastoid artery
- left superficial temporal artery
- left middle temporal artery
- left transverse facial artery
- left zygomatico-orbital artery
- left superior thyroid artery
- left cricothyroid artery
- left infrahyoid artery
- left sternocleidomastoid artery
- left superior laryngeal artery
- left ascending pharyngeal artery
- left internal carotid artery
- left anterior cerebral artery
- left callosomarginal artery
- left distal medial striate artery
- left medial frontobasal artery
- left pericallosal artery
- left polar frontal artery
- left pre-optic artery
- left proximal medial striate artery
- left supra-optic artery
- left anterior choroidal artery
- left caroticotympanic artery
- left inferior hypophyseal artery
- left middle cerebral artery
- left anterior parietal artery
- left anterior temporal artery
- left insular artery
- left lateral frontobasal artery
- left polar temporal artery
- left posterior parietal artery
- left posterior temporal artery
- left prefrontal artery
- left recurrent temporal artery
- left ophthalmic artery
- left anterior ethmoidal artery
- left central retinal artery
- left inferior central retinal artery
- left inferior nasal retinal artery
- left inferior temporal retinal artery
- left inferior macular artery
- left middle macular artery
- left superior central retinal artery
- left superior nasal retinal artery
- left superior temporal retinal artery
- left superior macular artery
- left inferior central retinal artery
- left dorsal nasal artery
- left lacrimal artery
- left lateral palpebral artery
- left long posterior ciliary artery
- left medial palpebral artery
- left inferior palpebral arch
- left posterior conjunctival artery
- left superior palpebral arch
- left posterior ethmoidal artery
- left short posterior ciliary artery
- left supra-orbital artery
- left supratrochlear artery
- left pterygoid artery
- left superior hypophyseal artery
- left uncal artery
- left anterior cerebral artery
- left external carotid artery
- left common iliac artery
- left external iliac artery
- left anterior tibial artery
- left anterior tibial artery proper
- left dorsalis pedis artery
- left arcuate artery
- left fourth dorsal metatarsal artery
- left fourth distal perforating artery
- left second dorsal metatarsal artery
- left second distal perforating artery
- left third dorsal metatarsal artery
- left third distal perforating artery
- left fourth dorsal metatarsal artery
- left first dorsal metatarsal artery
- left first distal perforating artery
- left first medial tarsal artery
- left lateral tarsal artery
- left second medial tarsal artery
- left arcuate artery
- left deep circumflex iliac artery
- left deep circumflex iliac artery proper
- left femoral artery
- left deep external pudendal artery
- left deep femoral artery
- left descending genicular artery
- left femoral nutrient artery
- left lateral circumflex femoral artery
- left medial circumflex femoral artery
- left superficial circumflex iliac artery
- left superficial epigastric artery
- left superficial external pudendal artery
- left inferior epigastric artery
- left cremasteric artery
- left popliteal artery
- left posterior tibial artery
- left circumflex fibular artery
- left first plantar metatarsal artery
- left fourth plantar metatarsal artery
- left common superficial digital artery
- left first superficial digital artery
- left second superficial digital artery
- left third superficial digital artery
- left common superficial digital artery
- left lateral plantar artery
- left medial calcanean artery
- left second plantar metatarsal artery
- left third plantar metatarsal artery
- left medial plantar artery
- left deep medial plantar artery
- left superficial medial plantar artery
- left peroneal artery
- left posterior lateral malleolar artery
- left posterior medial malleolar artery
- left tibial nutrient artery
- left sural artery
- left anterior tibial artery
- left internal iliac artery
- left external iliac artery
- left eighth posterior intercostal artery
- left eleventh posterior intercostal artery
- left fifth lumbar artery
- left fifth posterior intercostal artery
- left first bronchial artery
- left first lumbar artery
- left fourth lumbar artery
- left fourth posterior intercostal artery
- left middle suprarenal artery
- left ninth posterior intercostal artery
- left ovarian artery
- left renal artery
- left inferior suprarenal artery
- left second bronchial artery
- left second lumbar artery
- left seventh posterior intercostal artery
- left sixth posterior intercostal artery
- left subclavian artery
- left anterior circumflex humeral artery
- left costocervical artery
- left costocervical trunk
- left deep cervical artery
- left superior intercostal artery
- left first posterior intercostal artery
- left second posterior intercostal artery
- left costocervical trunk
- left deep brachial artery
- left dorsal scapular artery
- left inferior ulnar collateral artery
- left internal thoracic artery
- left fifth anterior intercostal artery
- left first anterior intercostal artery
- left fourth anterior intercostal artery
- left mediastinal artery
- left musculophrenic artery
- left eighth anterior intercostal artery
- left eleventh anterior intercostal artery
- left ninth anterior intercostal artery
- left seventh anterior intercostal artery
- left tenth anterior intercostal artery
- left pericardiacophrenic artery
- left pericardial artery
- left second anterior intercostal artery
- left sixth anterior intercostal artery
- left sternal artery
- left superior epigastric artery
- left third anterior intercostal artery
- left thymic artery
- left lateral thoracic artery
- left posterior circumflex humeral artery
- left radial artery
- left first dorsal metacarpal artery
- left radial recurrent artery
- left subscapular artery
- left circumflex scapular artery
- left infrascapular artery
- left thoracodorsal artery
- left circumflex scapular artery
- left superficial brachial artery
- left superior thoracic artery
- left superior ulnar collateral artery
- left thoraco-acromial artery
- left thyrocervical artery
- left inferior thyroid artery
- left ascending cervical artery
- left inferior laryngeal artery
- left suprascapular artery
- left thyrocervical trunk
- left superficial cervical artery
- left transverse cervical artery
- left variant dorsal scapular artery
- left inferior thyroid artery
- left ulnar artery
- left anterior ulnar recurrent artery
- left common interosseous artery
- left anterior interosseous artery
- left posterior interosseous artery
- left posterior ulnar recurrent artery
- left vertebral artery
- left anterior spinal artery
- left posterior inferior cerebellar artery
- left posterior spinal artery
- left subcostal artery
- left tenth posterior intercostal artery
- left testicular artery
- left third lumbar artery
- left third posterior intercostal artery
- median sacral artery
- right fifth lumbar artery
- right bronchial artery
- right common iliac artery
- right external iliac artery
- right anterior tibial artery
- right anterior tibial artery proper
- right dorsalis pedis artery
- right arcuate artery
- right fourth dorsal metatarsal artery
- right fourth distal perforating artery
- right second dorsal metatarsal artery
- right second distal perforating artery
- right third dorsal metatarsal artery
- right third distal perforating artery
- right fourth dorsal metatarsal artery
- right first dorsal metatarsal artery
- right first distal perforating artery
- right first medial tarsal artery
- right lateral tarsal artery
- right second medial tarsal artery
- right arcuate artery
- right deep circumflex iliac artery
- right deep circumflex iliac artery proper
- right femoral artery
- right deep external pudendal artery
- right deep femoral artery
- right descending genicular artery
- right femoral nutrient artery
- right lateral circumflex femoral artery
- right medial circumflex femoral artery
- right superficial circumflex iliac artery
- right superficial epigastric artery
- right superficial external pudendal artery
- right inferior epigastric artery
- right cremasteric artery
- right popliteal artery
- right posterior tibial artery
- right circumflex fibular artery
- right first plantar metatarsal artery
- right fourth plantar metatarsal artery
- right lateral plantar artery
- right medial calcanean artery
- right second plantar metatarsal artery
- right third plantar metatarsal artery
- right medial plantar artery
- right common superficial digital artery
- right first superficial digital artery
- right second superficial digital artery
- right third superficial digital artery
- right deep medial plantar artery
- right superficial medial plantar artery
- right common superficial digital artery
- right peroneal artery
- right posterior lateral malleolar artery
- right posterior medial malleolar artery
- right tibial nutrient artery
- right sural artery
- right anterior tibial artery
- right internal iliac artery
- right external iliac artery
- right eighth posterior intercostal artery
- right eleventh posterior intercostal artery
- right fifth posterior intercostal artery
- right first lumbar artery
- right fourth lumbar artery
- right fourth posterior intercostal artery
- right middle suprarenal artery
- right ninth posterior intercostal artery
- right ovarian artery
- right renal artery
- right inferior suprarenal artery
- right second lumbar artery
- right seventh posterior intercostal artery
- right sixth posterior intercostal artery
- right subcostal artery
- right tenth posterior intercostal artery
- right testicular artery
- right third lumbar artery
- right third posterior intercostal artery
- variant right bronchial artery
- superior mesenteric artery
- ileal artery
- ileocolic artery
- inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
- anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
- posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
- jejunal artery
- middle colic artery
- left middle colic artery
- right middle colic artery
- right colic artery
- right flexural artery
- superior phrenic artery
- aorta
pulmonary arterial system
- pulmonary arterial tree
- left pulmonary artery
- left lower lobar artery
- left anterior basal segmental artery
- left basal segmental artery
- antero-medial basal segmental artery
- left medial basal segmental artery
- left lateral basal segmental artery
- left posterior basal segmental artery
- laterobasal branch f left posterior basal segmental artery
- antero-medial basal segmental artery
- left subsuperior segmental artery
- left superior segmental artery
- left upper lobar artery
- left anterior segmental artery
- left apical segmental artery
- left posterior segmental artery
- lingular artery
- inferior lingular artery
- superior lingular artery
- left lower lobar artery
- pulmonary trunk
- anterior pulmonary trunk sinus
- left pulmonary trunk sinus
- right pulmonary trunk sinus
- right pulmonary artery
- right upper lobar artery
- right anterior segmental artery
- right upper lobar artery
- left pulmonary artery
systemic venous system
- inferior systemic venous tree
- inferior phrenic vein
- inferior vena cava
- left anterior inferior phrenic vein
- left common iliac vein
- left external iliac vein
- left deep circumflex iliac vein
- left femoral vein
- left deep external pudendal vein
- left deep femoral vein
- left descending genicular vein
- left popliteal vein
- left anterior tibial vein
- left posterior tibial vein
- left small saphenous vein
- left lateral marginal vein
- left great saphenous vein
- left anterior femoral cutaneous vein
- left hunterian perforator
- left lateral accessory saphenous vein
- left medial accessory saphenous vein
- left medial marginal vein
- left superficial circumflex iliac vein
- left superficial epigastric vein
- left superficial external pudendal vein
- left tibial tubercle perforator
- left lateral circumflex femoral vein
- left medial circumflex femoral vein
- left inferior epigastric vein
- left cremasteric vein
- left pubic vein
- left internal iliac vein
- left iliolumbar vein
- left inferior gluteal vein
- left inferior vesical vein
- left internal pudendal vein
- left inferior rectal vein
- left penile bulb vein
- left perineal vein
- left posterior labial vein
- left posterior scrotal vein
- left urethral vein
- left vestibular bulb vein
- left lateral sacral vein
- left middle rectal vein
- left obturator vein
- left superior gluteal vein
- left uterine vein
- left vaginal vein
- left external iliac vein
- left first lumbar vein
- left fourth lumbar vein
- left hepatic vein
- left renal vein
- left second lumbar vein
- left third lumbar vein
- lumbar vein
- middle hepatic vein
- right common iliac vein
- right external iliac vein
- right deep circumflex iliac vein
- right femoral vein
- right deep external pudendal vein
- right deep femoral vein
- right descending genicular vein
- right popliteal vein
- right anterior tibial vein
- right fibular vein
- right genicular vein
- right posterior tibial vein
- right small saphenous vein
- right lateral marginal vein
- right sural vein
- right great saphenous vein
- right anterior femoral cutaneous vein
- right hunterian perforator
- right lateral accessory saphenous vein
- right medial accessory saphenous vein
- right medial marginal vein
- right superficial circumflex iliac vein
- right superficial epigastric vein
- right superficial external pudendal vein
- right tibial tubercle perforator
- right lateral circumflex femoral vein
- right medial circumflex femoral vein
- right inferior epigastric vein
- right cremasteric vein
- right pubic vein
- right internal iliac vein
- right iliolumbar vein
- right inferior gluteal vein
- right inferior vesical vein
- right internal pudendal vein
- right inferior rectal vein
- right penile bulb vein
- right perineal vein
- right posterior labial vein
- right posterior scrotal vein
- right urethral vein
- right vestibular bulb vein
- right lateral sacral vein
- right middle rectal vein
- right obturator vein
- right superior gluteal vein
- right uterine vein
- right vaginal vein
- right external iliac vein
- right first lumbar vein
- right fourth lumbar vein
- right hepatic vein
- right ovarian vein
- right renal vein
- right second lumbar vein
- right suprarenal vein
- right testicular vein
- right third lumbar vein
- left ovarian vein
- left suprarenal vein
- left posterior inferior phrenic vein
- left testicular vein
- superior systemic venous tree
- azygos vein
- accessory hemiazygos vein
- left fifth posterior intercostal vein
- left fourth posterior intercostal vein
- left seventh posterior intercostal vein
- left sixth posterior intercostal vein
- communicating vein with accessory hemiazygos vein
- communicating vein with hemiazygos vein
- hemiazygos vein
- left ascending lumbar vein
- left bronchial vein
- left eighth posterior intercostal vein
- left eleventh posterior intercostal vein
- left ninth posterior intercostal vein
- left subcostal vein
- left tenth posterior intercostal vein
- transvertebral communicating vein
- right ascending lumbar vein
- right bronchial vein
- right eighth posterior intercostal vein
- right eleventh posterior intercostal vein
- right fifth posterior intercostal vein
- right ninth posterior intercostal vein
- right seventh posterior intercostal vein
- right sixth posterior intercostal vein
- right subcostal vein
- right superior intercostal vein
- right fourth posterior intercostal vein
- right second posterior intercostal vein
- right third posterior intercostal vein
- right tenth posterior intercostal vein
- accessory hemiazygos vein
- left brachiocephalic vein
- common inferior thyroid vein
- esophageal vein
- left deep cervical vein
- left first posterior intercostal vein
- left inferior thyroid vein
- left internal jugular vein
- left facial vein
- left angular vein
- left supra-orbital vein
- left supratrochlear vein
- left deep facial vein
- left external nasal vein
- left external palatine vein
- left inferior palpabral vein
- left masseteric vein
- left parotid vein
- left submental vein
- left superior palpebral vein
- left angular vein
- left inferior petrosal sinus
- basilar venous plexus
- left cavernous sinus
- left inferior ophthalmic vein
- left sphenoid emissary vein
- left sphenoparietal sinus
- left superficial middle cerebral vein
- left superior ophthalmic vein
- left anterior ciliary vein
- left scleral vein
- left scleral venous sinus
- left anterior ethmoidal vein
- left central retinal vein
- left inferior macular vein
- left inferior nasal retinal vein
- left inferior temporal retinal vein
- left middle macular vein
- left superior macular vein
- left superior nasal retinal vein
- left superior temporal retinal vein
- left lacrimal vein
- left nasofrontal vein
- left posterior ethmoidal vein
- left anterior ciliary vein
- left internal auditory vein
- left lingual vein
- left deep lingual vein
- left dorsal lingual vein
- left meningeal vein
- left middle thyroid vein
- left pharyngeal vein
- pharyngeal venous plexus
- left sigmoid sinus
- left mastoid emissary vein
- left posterior auricular vein
- left stylomastoid vein
- left posterior auricular vein
- left transverse sinus
- left inferior anastomotic vein
- left inferior cerebellar vein
- left inferior orbital vein
- left inferior temporal vein
- left occipital diploic vein
- left posterior temporal diploic vein
- left superior cerebellar vein
- left superior petrosal sinus
- straight sinus
- great cerebral vein
- inferior sagittal sinus
- left mastoid emissary vein
- left sternocleidomastoid vein
- left superior laryngeal vein
- left superior thyroid vein
- left cricothyroid vein
- left facial vein
- left internal thoracic vein
- left first anterior intercostal vein
- left pericardiacophrenic vein
- left second anterior intercostal vein
- left third anterior intercostal vein
- left subclavian vein
- left axillary vein
- left basilic vein
- left median antebrachial vein
- left median cubital vein
- left costo-axillary vein
- left medial brachial vein
- left deep brachial vein
- left radial vein
- left ulnar vein
- left subscapular vein
- left thoracoepigastric vein
- left basilic vein
- left cephalic vein
- left accessory cephalic vein
- left thoraco-acromial vein
- left dorsal scapular vein
- left external jugular vein
- left anterior jugular vein
- left jugular venous arch
- left external-internal jugular communicating vein
- left petrosquamous sinus
- left posterior external jugular vein
- left retromandibular vein
- left maxillary vein
- left middle temporal vein
- left pterygoid plexus
- left anterior auricular vein
- left deep temporal vein
- left middle meningeal vein
- left sphenopalatine vein
- left tympanic vein
- left superficial temporal vein
- left transverse facial vein
- left suprascapular vein
- left transverse cervical vein
- left anterior jugular vein
- left axillary vein
- left superior intercostal vein
- left second posterior intercostal vein
- left third posterior intercostal vein
- left vertebral vein
- left accessory vertebral vein
- left occipital vein
- mediastinal vein
- thymic vein
- tracheal vein
- unpaired thyroid venous plexus
- pericardial vein
- right brachiocephalic vein
- right deep cervical vein
- right first posterior intercostal vein
- right inferior thyroid vein
- right internal jugular vein
- right facial vein
- right angular vein
- right supra-orbital vein
- right supratrochlear vein
- right deep facial vein
- right external nasal vein
- right external palatine vein
- right inferior palpabral vein
- right masseteric vein
- right parotid vein
- right submental vein
- right superior palpebral vein
- right angular vein
- right inferior petrosal sinus
- right cavernous sinus
- right inferior ophthalmic vein
- right sphenoid emissary vein
- right sphenoparietal sinus
- right superficial middle cerebral vein
- right superior ophthalmic vein
- right anterior ciliary vein
- right scleral vein
- right scleral venous sinus
- right anterior ethmoidal vein
- right central retinal vein
- right inferior macular vein
- right inferior nasal retinal vein
- right inferior temporal retinal vein
- right middle macular vein
- right superior macular vein
- right superior nasal retinal vein
- right superior temporal retinal vein
- right lacrimal vein
- right nasofrontal vein
- right posterior ethmoidal vein
- right anterior ciliary vein
- right internal auditory vein
- right cavernous sinus
- right lingual vein
- right deep lingual vein
- right dorsal lingual vein
- right meningeal vein
- right middle thyroid vein
- right pharyngeal vein
- right sigmoid sinus
- right mastoid emissary vein
- right posterior auricular vein
- right stylomastoid vein
- right posterior auricular vein
- right transverse sinus
- right inferior anastomotic vein
- right inferior cerebellar vein
- right inferior orbital vein
- right inferior temporal vein
- right occipital diploic vein
- right posterior temporal diploic vein
- right superior cerebellar vein
- right superior petrosal sinus
- superior sagittal sinus
- left frontal diploic vein
- left frontal vein
- left lateral lacuna
- left parietal emissary vein
- left parietal vein
- left prefrontal vein
- left superior temporal vein
- right frontal diploic vein
- right frontal vein
- right lateral lacuna
- right parietal emissary vein
- right occipital vein
- right parietal vein
- right prefrontal vein
- right superior temporal vein
- superior cerebral vein
- right mastoid emissary vein
- right sternocleidomastoid vein
- right superior laryngeal vein
- right superior thyroid vein
- right cricothyroid vein
- right facial vein
- right internal thoracic vein
- right first anterior intercostal vein
- right pericardiacophrenic vein
- right second anterior intercostal vein
- right third anterior intercostal vein
- right subclavian vein
- right axillary vein
- right basilic vein
- right median antebrachial vein
- right median cubital vein
- right costo-axillary vein
- right medial brachial vein
- right deep brachial vein
- right radial vein
- right ulnar vein
- right deep palmar venous arch
- right subscapular vein
- right thoracoepigastric vein
- right basilic vein
- right cephalic vein
- right accessory cephalic vein
- right thoraco-acromial vein
- right dorsal scapular vein
- right external jugular vein
- right anterior jugular vein
- right jugular venous arch
- right external-internal jugular communicating vein
- right petrosquamous sinus
- right posterior external jugular vein
- right retromandibular vein
- right maxillary vein
- right middle temporal vein
- right pterygoid plexus
- right anterior auricular vein
- right deep temporal vein
- right middle meningeal vein
- right sphenopalatine vein
- right tympanic vein
- right superficial temporal vein
- right transverse facial vein
- right suprascapular vein
- right transverse cervical vein
- right anterior jugular vein
- right axillary vein
- right vertebral vein
- right accessory vertebral vein
- superior phrenic vein
- superior vena cava
- azygos vein
pulmonary venous system
- left inferior pulmonary vein
- left common basal vein
- left inferior basal vein
- left lateral basal segmental vein
- left medial basal segmental vein
- left posterior basal segmental vein
- left superior basal vein
- left anterior basal segmental vein
- left inferior basal vein
- left superior segmental vein
- left common basal vein
- left superior pulmonary vein
- left upper lobar vein
- apicoposterior segmental vein
- left apical segmental vein
- left posterior segmental vein
- superior hilar vein
- left anterior segmental vein
- apicoposterior segmental vein
- lingular vein
- inferior lingular vein
- superior lingular vein
- left upper lobar vein
- right inferior pulmonary vein
- right common basal vein
- right inferior basal vein
- right lateral basal segmental vein
- right medial basal segmental vein
- right posterior basal segmental vein
- right superior basal vein
- right anterior basal segmental vein
- right inferior basal vein
- right superior segmental vein
- right common basal vein
- right superior pulmonary vein
- middle lobar vein
- lateral segmental vein
- medial segmental vein
- right upper lobar vein
- right anterior segmental vein
- right apical segmental vein
- right posterior segmental vein
- middle lobar vein
lymphatic system
lymph nodes
- deep lymph node
- abdominopelvic lymph node
- abdominal lymph node
- parietal abdominal lymph node
- aortocaval lymph node
- inferior diaphragmatic lymph node
- inferior epigastric lymph node
- lumbar lymph node
- intermediate lumbar lymph node
- left lumbar lymph node
- para-aortic lymph node
- left para-aortic lymph node
- right para-aortic lymph node
- pre-aortic lymph node
- inferior mesenteric lymph node
- superior mesenteric lymph node
- retro-aortic lymph node
- para-aortic lymph node
- right lumbar lymph node
- lateral caval lymph node
- postcaval lymph node
- precaval lymph node
- portocaval lymph node
- retroperitoneal lymph node
- visceral abdominal lymph node
- anorectal lymph node
- appendicular lymph node
- cardiophrenic angle lymph node
- celiac lymph node
- colic lymph node
- epicolic lymph node
- intermediate colic lymph node
- left colic lymph node
- midcolic lymph node
- paracolic lymph node
- preterminal colic lymph node
- right colic lymph node
- cystic lymph node
- gastric lymph node
- left gastric lymph node
- paracardial lymph node
- right gastro-epiploic lymph node
- gastro-omental lymph node
- gastrohepatic ligament node
- hepatic lymph node
- ileal lymph node
- ileocolic lymph node
- anterior ileocolic lymph node
- inferior ileocolic lymph node
- posterior ileocolic lymph node
- intestinal lymph node
- lymph node of epiploic foramen
- mesenteric lymph node
- intermediate mesenteric lymph node
- juxta-arterial mesenteric lymph node
- mural mesenteric lymph node
- node of posterior iliac crest
- pancreatic lymph node
- inferior pancreatic lymph node
- superior pancreatic lymph node
- pancreaticoduodenal lymph node
- inferior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node
- superior pancreaticoduodenal lymph node
- pancreaticosplenic lymph node
- paracardiac lymph node
- pararectal lymph node
- pericolonic lymph node
- prececal lymph node
- pyloric lymph node
- retropyloric lymph node
- subpyloric lymph node
- suprapyloric lymph node
- retrocecal lymph node
- retrocrural lymph node
- sigmoid lymph node
- splenic lymph node
- superior rectal lymph node
- parietal abdominal lymph node
- pelvic lymph node
- circumflex iliac lymph node
- parietal pelvic lymph node
- common iliac lymph node
- intermediate common iliac lymph node
- lateral common iliac lymph node
- medial common iliac lymph node
- promontory lymph node
- subaortic common iliac lymph node
- external iliac lymph node
- interiliac lymph node
- intermediate external iliac lymph node
- lateral external iliac lymph node
- medial external iliac lymph node
- medial lacunar lymph node
- obturator lymph node
- gluteal lymph node
- inferior gluteal lymph node
- superior gluteal lymph node
- internal iliac lymph node
- presymphysial lymph node
- sacral lymph node
- lateral sacral lymph node
- medial sacral lymph node
- common iliac lymph node
- visceral pelvic lymph node
- parametrial lymph node
- parauterine lymph node
- paravaginal lymph node
- paravesicular lymph node
- lateral vesicular lymph node
- postvesicular lymph node
- prevesicular lymph node
- uterine paracervical lymph node
- abdominal lymph node
- deep inguinal lymph node
- distal deep inguinal lymph node
- intermediate deep inguinal lymph node
- proximal deep inguinal lymph node
- deep popliteal lymph node
- thoracic lymph node
- brachiocephalic lymph node
- left brachiocephalic lymph node
- right brachiocephalic lymph node
- bronchopulmonary lymph node
- left bronchopulmonary lymph node
- right bronchopulmonary lymph node
- diaphragmatic lymph node
- anterior diaphragmatic lymph node
- left anterior diaphragmatic lymph node
- right anterior diaphragmatic lymph node
- lateral diaphragmatic lymph node
- left lateral diaphragmatic lymph node
- right lateral diaphragmatic lymph node
- medial diaphragmatic lymph node
- left medial diaphragmatic lymph node
- right medial diaphragmatic lymph node
- posterior diaphragmatic lymph node
- left posterior diaphragmatic lymph node
- right posterior diaphragmatic lymph node
- superior diaphragmatic lymph node
- left superior diaphragmatic lymph node
- right superior diaphragmatic lymph node
- anterior diaphragmatic lymph node
- esophageal lymph node
- intercostal lymph node
- lower intercostal lymph node
- eighth intercostal lymph node
- left eighth intercostal lymph node
- right eighth intercostal lymph node
- eleventh intercostal lymph node
- left eleventh intercostal lymph node
- right eleventh intercostal lymph node
- ninth intercostal lymph node
- left ninth intercostal lymph node
- right ninth intercostal lymph node
- seventh intercostal lymph node
- left seventh intercostal lymph node
- right seventh intercostal lymph node
- sixth intercostal lymph node
- left sixth intercostal lymph node
- right sixth intercostal lymph node
- tenth intercostal lymph node
- left tenth intercostal lymph node
- right tenth intercostal lymph node
- eighth intercostal lymph node
- upper intercostal lymph node
- fifth intercostal lymph node
- left fifth intercostal lymph node
- right fifth intercostal lymph node
- first intercostal lymph node
- left first intercostal lymph node
- right first intercostal lymph node
- fourth intercostal lymph node
- left fourth intercostal lymph node
- right fourth intercostal lymph node
- second intercostal lymph node
- left second intercostal lymph node
- right second intercostal lymph node
- third intercostal lymph node
- left third intercostal lymph node
- right third intercostal lymph node
- fifth intercostal lymph node
- lower intercostal lymph node
- mediastinal lymph node
- anterior mediastinal lymph node
- left anterior mediastinal lymph node
- prepericardial lymph node
- left prepericardial lymph node
- right prepericardial lymph node
- right anterior mediastinal lymph node
- lateral pericardial lymph node
- left lateral pericardial lymph node
- right lateral pericardial lymph node
- posterior mediastinal lymph node
- left posterior mediastinal lymph node
- prevertebral lymph node
- left prevertebral lymph node
- right prevertebral lymph node
- right posterior mediastinal lymph node
- anterior mediastinal lymph node
- node of ligamentum arteriosum
- paramammary lymph node
- left paramammary lymph node
- right paramammary lymph node
- parasternal lymph node
- left parasternal lymph node
- right parasternal lymph node
- pulmonary lymph node
- bronchopulmonary segment lymph node
- lymph node of anterior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of left anterior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of right anterior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of apical segmental bronchus
- lymph node of left apical segmental bronchus
- lymph node of right apical segmental bronchus
- lymph node of apicoposterior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of anterior basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of left anterior basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of right anterior basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of lateral basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of left lateral basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of right lateral basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of medial basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of left medial basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of right medial basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of posterior basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of left posterior basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of right posterior basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of anterior basal segmental bronchus
- lymph node of inferior lingular bronchus
- lymph node of lateral segmental bronchus
- lymph node of medial segmental bronchus
- lymph node of posterior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of left posterior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of right posterior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of superior lingular bronchus
- lymph node of superior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of left superior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of right superior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of anterior segmental bronchus
- lymph node of lower lobe of lung
- lymph node of lower lobe of left lung
- lymph node of lower lobe of right lung
- lymph node of middle lobe of lung
- lymph node of upper lobe of lung
- lymph node of upper lobe of left lung
- lymph node of upper lobe of right lung
- pulmonary lymph node of left lung
- pulmonary lymph node of right lung
- bronchopulmonary segment lymph node
- sternal lymph node
- supramammary lymph node
- left supramammary lymph node
- right supramammary lymph node
- tracheobronchial lymph node
- inferior tracheobronchial lymph node
- left inferior tracheobronchial lymph node
- right inferior tracheobronchial lymph node
- left tracheobronchial lymph node
- right tracheobronchial lymph node
- superior tracheobronchial lymph node
- left superior tracheobronchial lymph node
- right superior tracheobronchial lymph node
- inferior tracheobronchial lymph node
- brachiocephalic lymph node
- abdominopelvic lymph node
- intermediate lacunar lymph node
- lateral lacunar lymph node
- lymph node of head
- facial lymph node
- buccinator lymph node
- left buccinator lymph node
- right buccinator lymph node
- malar lymph node
- left malar lymph node
- right malar lymph node
- mandibular lymph node
- left mandibular lymph node
- right mandibular lymph node
- nasolabial lymph node
- left nasolabial lymph node
- right nasolabial lymph node
- buccinator lymph node
- lingual lymph node
- left lingual lymph node
- right lingual lymph node
- mastoid lymph node
- left mastoid lymph node
- right mastoid lymph node
- submandibular lymph node
- left submandibular lymph node
- right submandibular lymph node
- submental lymph node
- supramandibular lymph node
- left supramandibular lymph node
- right supramandibular lymph node
- facial lymph node
- lymph node of lower limb
- fibular lymph node
- inguinal lymph node
- popliteal lymph node
- tibial lymph node
- anterior tibial lymph node
- posterior tibial lymph node
- lymph node of neck
- accessory cervical lymph node
- left accessory cervical lymph node
- right accessory cervical lymph node
- anterior cervical lymph node
- deep anterior cervical lymph node
- infrahyoid lymph node
- left infrahyoid lymph node
- right infrahyoid lymph node
- paratracheal lymph node
- left paratracheal lymph node
- right paratracheal lymph node
- prelaryngeal lymph node
- left prelaryngeal lymph node
- right prelaryngeal lymph node
- pretracheal lymph node
- left pretracheal lymph node
- right pretracheal lymph node
- retropharyngeal lymph node
- left retropharyngeal lymph node
- right retropharyngeal lymph node
- thyroid lymph node
- left thyroid lymph node
- right thyroid lymph node
- infrahyoid lymph node
- superficial anterior cervical lymph node
- left superficial anterior cervical lymph node
- right superficial anterior cervical lymph node
- deep anterior cervical lymph node
- external jugular lymph node
- left external jugular lymph node
- right external jugular lymph node
- jugular lymph node
- lateral cervical lymph node
- deep lateral cervical lymph node
- anterior inferior deep cervical lymph node
- left anterior inferior deep cervical lymph node
- right anterior inferior deep cervical lymph node
- anterior superior deep cervical lymph node
- left anterior superior deep cervical lymph node
- right anterior superior deep cervical lymph node
- inferior deep lateral cervical lymph node
- jugulo-omohyoid lymph node
- left jugulo-omohyoid lymph node
- right jugulo-omohyoid lymph node
- jugulodigastric lymph node
- left jugulodigastric lymph node
- right jugulodigastric lymph node
- lateral inferior deep cervical lymph node
- left lateral inferior deep cervical lymph node
- right lateral inferior deep cervical lymph node
- lateral superior deep cervical lymph node
- left lateral superior deep cervical lymph node
- right lateral superior deep cervical lymph node
- superior deep lateral cervical lymph node
- anterior inferior deep cervical lymph node
- superficial lateral cervical lymph node
- left superficial lateral cervical lymph node
- right superficial lateral cervical lymph node
- deep lateral cervical lymph node
- subclavian lymph node
- left subclavian lymph node
- right subclavian lymph node
- supraclavicular lymph node
- left supraclavicular lymph node
- right supraclavicular lymph node
- accessory cervical lymph node
- lymph node of trunk
- lymph node of upper limb
- antebrachial lymph node
- left antebrachial lymph node
- right antebrachial lymph node
- brachial lymph node
- cubital lymph node
- deep cubital lymph node
- left deep cubital lymph node
- right deep cubital lymph node
- interpectoral lymph node
- level III axillary lymph node
- level II axillary lymph node
- level I axillary lymph node
- superficial cubital lymph node
- left superficial cubital lymph node
- right superficial cubital lymph node
- supratrochlear lymph node
- left supratrochlear lymph node
- right supratrochlear lymph node
- antebrachial lymph node
- superficial lymph node
- axillary lymph node
- apical axillary lymph node
- left apical axillary lymph node
- right apical axillary lymph node
- central axillary lymph node
- left central axillary lymph node
- right central axillary lymph node
- lateral axillary lymph node
- left lateral axillary lymph node
- right lateral axillary lymph node
- pectoral lymph node
- left pectoral lymph node
- right pectoral lymph node
- subscapular lymph node
- left subscapular lymph node
- right subscapular lymph node
- apical axillary lymph node
- infraclavicular lymph node
- left infraclavicular lymph node
- right infraclavicular lymph node
- occipital lymph node
- left occipital lymph node
- right occipital lymph node
- parotid lymph node
- deep parotid lymph node
- anterior auricular lymph node
- left anterior auricular lymph node
- right anterior auricular lymph node
- infra-auricular lymph node
- left infra-auricular lymph node
- right infra-auricular lymph node
- intraglandular lymph node
- left intraglandular lymph node
- right intraglandular lymph node
- anterior auricular lymph node
- superficial parotid lymph node
- left superficial parotid lymph node
- right superficial parotid lymph node
- deep parotid lymph node
- superficial inguinal lymph node
- inferior inguinal lymph node
- left inferior inguinal lymph node
- right inferior inguinal lymph node
- superior lateral inguinal lymph node
- left superior lateral inguinal lymph node
- right superior lateral inguinal lymph node
- superior medial inguinal lymph node
- left superior medial inguinal lymph node
- right superior medial inguinal lymph node
- inferior inguinal lymph node
- superficial popliteal lymph node
- left superficial popliteal lymph node
- right superficial popliteal lymph node
- axillary lymph node
lymphatic structures
- right lymphatic duct tree
- right bronchomediastinal lymphatic tree
- right bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk
- right brachiocephalic lymphatic vessel
- right tracheobronchial lymphatic vessel
- right bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk
- right jugular lymphatic tree
- posterior tributary of right jugular lymphatic tree
- right occipital lymphatic chain
- right spinal accessory lymphatic chain
- level IIb segment of right spinal accessory lymphatic chain
- level Va segment of right spinal accessory lymphatic chain
- right transverse cervical lymphatic chain
- right jugular lymphatic tree proper
- right anterior deep cervical lymphatic chain
- right infrahyoid lymphatic chain
- right lingual lymphatic chain
- right paratracheal lymphatic chain
- right prelaryngeal lymphatic chain
- right pretracheal lymphatic chain
- right thyroid lymphatic chain
- right anterior superficial cervical lymphatic chain
- right anterior jugular lymphatic chain
- right external jugular lymphatic chain
- right facial lymphatic chain
- right buccinator lymphatic chain
- right supramandibular lymphatic chain
- right lateral deep cervical lymphatic chain
- right inferior lateral deep cervical lymphatic chain
- right superior lateral deep cervical lymphatic chain
- right level III lymphatic chain
- right level II lymphatic chain
- right level IIa lymphatic chain
- right level IIb lymphatic chain
- right parotid lymphatic chain
- right anterior auricular lymphatic chain
- right infra-auricular lymphatic chain
- right superficial parotid lymphatic chain
- right retro-auricular lymphatic chain
- right retropharyngeal lymphatic chain
- right lateral retropharyngeal lymphatic chain
- right medial retropharyngeal lymphatic chain
- right side of submental lymphatic chain
- right submandibular lymphatic chain
- right anterior deep cervical lymphatic chain
- right jugular lymphatic trunk
- right deep cervical lymphatic vessel
- posterior tributary of right jugular lymphatic tree
- right lymphatic duct
- right ascending thoracic lymph trunk
- right upper intercostal lymphatic vessel
- right subclavian lymphatic trunk
- right apical axillary lymphatic vessel
- right ascending thoracic lymph trunk
- right subclavian lymphatic tree
- right antebrachial lymphatic chain
- right axillary lymphatic chain
- right apical axillary lymphatic chain
- right central axillary lymphatic chain
- right lateral axillary lymphatic chain
- right pectoral axillary lymphatic chain
- right subscapular axillary lymphatic chain
- right deep cubital lymphatic chain
- right infraclavicular lymphatic chain
- right subclavian proper lymphatic chain
- right superficial cubital lymphatic chain
- right supratrochlear lymphatic chain
- right bronchomediastinal lymphatic tree
- thoracic duct tree
- intestinal lymphatic tree
- celiac lymphatic chain
- celiac proper lymphatic chain
- gastric lymphatic chain
- left gastric lymphatic chain
- inferior part of left gastric lymphatic chain
- paracardial part of left gastric lymphatic chain
- superior part of left gastric lymphatic chain
- pyloric lymphatic chain
- right gastro-epiploic lymphatic chain
- left gastric lymphatic chain
- hepatic lymphatic chain
- inferior mesenteric lymphatic chain
- ileocolic lymphatic chain
- anterior ileocolic lymphatic chain
- appendicular lymphatic chain
- ileal lymphatic chain
- posterior ileocolic lymphatic chain
- mesenteric lymphatic chain
- ileocolic lymphatic chain
- pancreaticosplenic lymphatic chain
- superior mesenteric lymphatic chain
- colic lymphatic chain
- epicolic lymphatic chain
- intermediate colic lymphatic chain
- paracolic lymphatic chain
- preterminal colic lymphatic chain
- pararectal lymphatic chain
- colic lymphatic chain
- left intestinal lymphatic trunk
- celiac lymphatic vessel
- right intestinal lymphatic trunk
- celiac lymphatic chain
- left bronchomediastinal lymphatic tree
- left bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk
- left brachiocephalic lymphatic vessel
- left tracheobronchial lymphatic vessel
- left bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk
- left jugular lymphatic tree
- left jugular lymphatic tree proper
- left anterior deep cervical lymphatic chain
- left infrahyoid lymphatic chain
- left lingual lymphatic chain
- left paratracheal lymphatic chain
- left prelaryngeal lymphatic chain
- left pretracheal lymphatic chain
- left thyroid lymphatic chain
- left anterior superficial cervical lymphatic chain
- left anterior jugular lymphatic chain
- left external jugular lymphatic chain
- left facial lymphatic chain
- left buccinator lymphatic chain
- left supramandibular lymphatic chain
- left lateral deep cervical lymphatic chain
- left inferior lateral deep cervical lymphatic chain
- left superior lateral deep cervical lymphatic chain
- left level III lymphatic chain
- left parotid lymphatic chain
- left anterior auricular lymphatic chain
- left infra-auricular lymphatic chain
- left superficial parotid lymphatic chain
- left retro-auricular lymphatic chain
- left retropharyngeal lymphatic chain
- left lateral retropharyngeal lymphatic chain
- left medial retropharyngeal lymphatic chain
- left side of submental lymphatic chain
- left submandibular lymphatic chain
- left anterior deep cervical lymphatic chain
- left jugular lymphatic trunk
- left deep cervical lymphatic vessel
- posterior tributary of left jugular lymphatic tree
- left occipital lymphatic chain
- left spinal accessory lymphatic chain
- level IIb segment of left spinal accessory lymphatic chain
- level Va segment of left spinal accessory lymphatic chain
- left transverse cervical lymphatic chain
- left jugular lymphatic tree proper
- left lumbar lymphatic tree
- left common iliac lymphatic chain
- left external iliac lymphatic chain
- left internal iliac lymphatic chain
- left lumbar lymphatic trunk
- left lateral aortic lymphatic vessel
- left subclavian lymphatic tree
- left antebrachial lymphatic chain
- left axillary lymphatic chain
- left apical axillary lymphatic chain
- left central axillary lymphatic chain
- left lateral axillary lymphatic chain
- left pectoral axillary lymphatic chain
- left subscapular axillary lymphatic chain
- left deep cubital lymphatic chain
- left infraclavicular lymphatic chain
- left subclavian lymphatic trunk
- left apical axillary lymphatic vessel
- left subclavian proper lymphatic chain
- left superficial cubital lymphatic chain
- left supratrochlear lymphatic chain
- lumbar lymphatic tree
- common iliac lymphatic chain
- external iliac lymphatic chain
- internal iliac lymphatic chain
- lumbar lymphatic trunk
- lateral aortic lymphatic vessel
- right lumbar lymphatic tree
- right common iliac lymphatic chain
- right external iliac lymphatic chain
- right internal iliac lymphatic chain
- right lumbar lymphatic trunk
- right lateral aortic lymphatic vessel
- thoracic duct
- abdominal part of thoracic duct
- arch of thoracic duct
- cervical part of thoracic duct
- cisterna chyli
- left ascending thoracic lymph trunk
- left upper intercostal lymphatic vessel
- left descending thoracic lymph duct
- left lower intercostal lymphatic vessel
- mediastinal lymph trunk
- posterior mediastinal lymphatic vessel
- right descending thoracic lymph trunk
- right lower intercostal lymphatic vessel
- thoracic part of thoracic duct
- intestinal lymphatic tree
- air
- liquid
biological material
- blood
- cerebro-spinal fluid
- urine
- feces
- gray matter
- white matter
- bone
- cartilage
- fat
- connective tissue
- tumor
- edema
- bleeding
- necrosis
- clot
- embolism
foreign objects
- needle
- probe
segmentation regions
- background
- unsegmented region
- user defined regions
- region 1
- region 2
- region 3
- region 4
- region 5
- region 6
- region 7
- region 8
- region 9
- region 10
- region 12
- region 13
- region 14
- region 15
- region 16