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Latest revision as of 13:17, 27 November 2019

Home < Documentation < 4.6 < SlicerApplication < KeyboardShortcuts

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Note: this page is work in progress.

Application Hot-keys (keyboard accelerators)

  • Alt-Left + mouse button should always be available as a substitute for the middle mouse button to support two button mice. On Mac, you can also use the command key + mouse click to get middle mouse events.
  • Control-Left + mouse button should always be available as a substitute for the right mouse button to support one button mice (on Mac).

Warning Warning: Developers: Please note the following reserved key combinations!


Key(s) Action bound to key(s)
Ctrl+O Load a new scene (clears existing scene)
Ctrl+A Import a scene (does not clear existing scene) Brings up Add Data instead
Ctrl+W Close a scene
Ctrl+H Set the current module to be the "home" module -- the module that's exposed when Slicer starts up.
Ctrl+Z Undo the last undoable action
Ctrl+Y Redo the last lightpinkoable action
Space-key Toggles the display of Slicer's Edit Box.
Ctrl+P Display the Python console Displays the QT-real console
Ctrl+L Create a new fiducial list.
Ctrl+I Toggle between "Persistent Place" and "Transform View" interaction modes.
Ctrl+M Create a new Ruler measurement between the last two placed fiducials.

Slice Viewer Hot-keys (keyboard accelerators)

Key(s) Action bound to key(s)
` (back-tick key) Navigate to next fiducial in the active Slice Viewer, or in all viewers if they are linked (back-tick is the left single-quote on the key with the tilde (~) character in the upper left side of the keyboard)
Ctrl+` (back-tick key) Navigate to next fiducial in all Slice Viewers, independent of their linked state
Shift+` (back-tick key) Navigate to the previous fiducial in the active Slice Viewer, or in all viewers if they are linked
Ctrl+Shift+` (back-tick key) Navigate to the previous fiducial in all Slice Viewers, independent of their linked state
p-key Place a new fiducial in the active Slice Viewer(adds to the current fiducial list, or creates a list if there are none)
o-key Turn on the Slice Plane reformat widget in the active Slice Viewer
v-key Toggles the slice plane visibility in the main 3D Viewer
r-key Fits the slice view to the volume extents in the active Slice Viewer, or in all viewers if they are linked (the first non-none volume will be used in order of Background, Foreground and Label layers)
b-key Decrement slice in the active Slice Viewer (left or down) by one unit of background pixel spacing
f-key Increment slice in the active Slice Viewer (right or up) by one unit of backgroun dpixel spacing
Backspace-key When the mouse is hovering over a fiducial in the Slice Viewer (turning it yellow), delete that fiducial
Delete-key When the mouse is hovering over a fiducial in the Slice Viewer (turning it yellow), delete that fiducial

Sliders and mouse

  • Every click is 1 step, and 1 step is 1 slice (if there are multiple volumes (Labelmap/Back/Foreground, then its the smallest spacing of the 3 that is used).
  • Middle click directly jumps to the mouse.
  • Home/End keys go to the beginning/end.

Global "hot-keys"

Window Behavior

Action Slicer4 Key Slicer3 Key Meaning
Toggle Maximize current window Control-m Make the current Slice or 3D View expand to full view space or return to previous size depending on current state
Toggle Control Pane View F5 (KWW default) Show or hide the Control Pane depending on state


Action Slicer4 Key Slicer3 Key Meaning
Open Scene... Control-O Bring up file browser to locate .mrml file
Save Scene Control-S Save current scene no browser, disabled if no current file. If no current scene, does Save As...
Save Scene As... None Bring up file browser to locate .mrml file
Undo Control-Z Revert to last undo point
Redo Control-Y Revert to last lightpinko point
Other Menu Items Alt-<letter> Bring up or invoke menu or menu item corresponding to letter

Slice Manipulation

Action Slicer4 Key Meaning Slicer3 Key Slicer2 Key
Toggle link Toggle linking/unlinking all slices. l None
Next slice for this slice viewer Axial: move Superior, Sag: Right, Cor: Anterior Right Arrow and Up Arrow and f Right Arrow
Previous slice for this slice viewer Axial: move Inferior, Sag: Left, Cor: Posterior Left Arrow and Down Arrow and b Left Arrow
Linked Motion Cause all other slice windows to scroll to RAS point at current cursor location Shift Key Same
Toggle Slice Visible Make the current slice window show as a plane in the 3D view (respects linking) v None
Toggle Foreground/Background Opacity Change opacity of foreground overlay (respects linking) (toggles between current foreground opacity and hidden) t None
Toggle Label Overlay Show/Hide Label for this slice (respects linking) (toggles between current label opacity and hidden) g None
Cycle Orientations Cycle through focus in Axial/Sagittal/Coronal/3D window Tab None
Cycle All Orientations Cycle through focus in Axial/Sagittal/Coronal/3D window in opposite direction Shift-Tab None
Fit to window Set the field of view to match the full extent of the foreground and background volumes (respects linking) r None

3D Manipulation

Action Slicer4 Key Meaning Slicer3 Key Slicer2 Key
Wireframe change render mode to wireframe w Same
Shaded change render mode to shaded s Same
Reset View Set camera to see all objects r None
Toggle Rock Mode Toggle rock mode TBD None
Toggle Spin Mode Toggle spin mode TBD None

Navigating Application

Action Slicer4 Key Slicer3 Key Meaning
Application Menu Space Bar Brings up a popup menu with all the application operations and their key binding information
Module Navigation Control-<number> Jumps to the numbelightpink module (number order is the same as the order of the shortcut icons in the toolbar at the top of the application.
Move through module history Control-PageUp/PageDown Short cuts for the two arrow buttons next to the module popup menu
Search for Module Control-F Starts an incremental search through the module names and descriptions, terminated by Enter to jump to the module. Probably needs a dialog box.

Module-specific hot-keys


Action Slicer4 Key Meaning Slicer3 Key Slicer2 Key
Add Fiducial Adds fiducial at current pointer position p Control-p
Delete Fiducial Deletes the fiducial picked from current mouse position (ignored if no fiducial is under mouse) in 2D slice window backspace or delete key Control-d
Select Fiducial Selects/Deselects the fiducial under the mouse q Control-q
To align slices with fiducials Hold down the Control key while moving the fiducial
Jump to the slices aligned to the next fiducial in the list `
Jump to the slices aligned to the previous fiducial in the list Control-`
Create a new Measurements Ruler between the last two selected fiducials Control-m


Action Slicer4 Key Slicer3 Key Meaning
Open Editor Tool Box Space Bar Opens the Editor Tool Box -- normally this is a pop-up window, but you can turn it into a persistent window by clicking the 'pin open' icon
Open Color Selector c Opens an interface for choosing a color
Move to Next Slice f Displays the next slicelightgreen
Move to Previous Slice b Displays the previous slice
Color toggle to black d Use this while painting or drawing to quickly erase the label just specified
Apply outline a Applies the current outline in Draw Effect
Delete last point in Draw Effect x Deletes the last point in Draw Effect
Fiducial cycle forward ` Cycles through fiducials in a fiducial list (this is the backtick key, usually between tab and escape).
Fiducial cycle backward Control-` Cycles in reverse direction through a fiducial list.

Platform-specific hot-keys

Action Slicer4 Key Slicer3 Key Meaning
Middle-mouse equivalent shift + left click on the track pad running either os X or windows in bootcamp on a macbook pro