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#REDIRECT [[Documentation/4.8/Announcements]]
{|align="center" border="1" style="text-align:center; font-size:120%; border-spacing: 0; padding: 0px;" cellpadding="10"
|[[#Summary|Summary ]]
|[[#What is 3D Slicer|What is 3D Slicer]]
|[[#Slicer {{documentation/version}} Highlights|Slicer {{documentation/version}} Highlights]]
|[[#Slicer Training|Slicer Training]]
|[[#Slicer Extensions|Slicer Extensions]]
|[[#Other Improvements, Additions & Documentation|Other Improvements, Additions & Documentation]]
= Summary =
The [http://www.slicer.org/pages/Acknowledgments community] of Slicer developers is proud to announce the release of '''Slicer {{documentation/version}}'''.
* Slicer {{documentation/version}} introduces
** An improved App Store, known as the Extension Manager, for adding plug-ins to Slicer. More than 80 plug-ins and packages of plug-ins are currently available.
** Close to 150 feature improvements and bug fixes have resulted in improved performance and stability.
** Improvements to many modules.
* Click here to [http://download.slicer.org/ download] Slicer {{documentation/version}} for different platforms and find pointers to the source code, mailing lists and the bug tracker.
* Please note that Slicer continues to be a research package and is not intended for clinical use. Testing of functionality is an ongoing activity with high priority, however, some features of Slicer are not fully tested.
* The [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Training|Slicer Training]] page provides a series of tutorials and data sets for training in the use of Slicer.
[http://www.slicer.org slicer.org] is the portal to the application, training materials, and the development community.
= What is 3D Slicer =
= Slicer {{documentation/version}} Highlights =
<gallery caption="New and Improved Modules" widths="350px" heights="250px" perrow="3">
Image:Grid3dVolume.png|Improved [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/Transforms|Transforms]] module with support for non-linear transforms, visualization of transforms in 2D and 3D, detailed transform properties view - '''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZUAfR0mqqI click here for demo video]'''.<ul><li>Improved integration of non rigid deformations, including grid (displacement field) and bspline transforms</li><li>Interactive application of non rigid deformations to volume slices, models, markups</li><li>Visualization of any transforms as glyphs, grid, or contours in 2D slice and 3D views</li><li>Computing and applying inverse transforms, compositing any number of transforms</li><li>Real-time update: if the transform (or any visualization parameter) is changed then the visualization is updated immediately (interactive visualization while editing the transform)</li><li>Detailed transform information display (type of transform, basic properties, displacement at current position)</li><li>Loading/saving of oriented bspline transforms with or without additive bulk component</li><li>Loading/saving of oriented grid transforms</li><li>Loading/saving of transforms in h5 file format</li></ul>
Image:DICOM Screenshot.png |The user interface of the [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/DICOM|DICOM]] module has been improved for a better usability. A viewer for meta-data (header) has been added.<ul><li>Added a way to change the table densities in three levels: compact, cozy and comfortable.</li><li> Re-arranged the patient, study and series search box so that the search box will be on the top of tables for both horizontal and vertical cases.</li><li> Resize tables based on contents.</li><li> Allow users to acknowledge all DICOM loading errors with a single click</li><li> Add DICOM meta-data (header) viewer</li><li> Auto-examine in dicom browser added by providing two modes: Advanced and Non-advanced mode.</li><li> Added repair tool for DICOM database</li></ul>
Image:CompareVolumes-1-volume.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/CompareVolumes|Compare Volumes]] provides the ability to create an overview of one or more volumes. <ul><li>For one volume you can look at an array of equally spaced images (like [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/SlicerApplication/MainApplicationGUI#Slice_Viewers|LightBox mode]], but wth an independent viewer per slice.</li><li>You can have a look at one viewer per loaded volume.</li><li>You can choose a common label or background volume for each per-volume viewer.</li><li>The RevealCursor allows you to look in detail at the fg/bg layers.</li></ul>
Image:ThresholdedSpherePainting.png|Improvements to the [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/Editor|Interactive Editor]]<ul><li>Added a Sphere option to the PaintEffect to make it quicker to segment large anatomical regions. Both the tumor and part of the superior saggital sinus were labeled using this effect.</li><li>Paint using pixel mode if brush size is too small</li><li>Button effect are checked/unchecked based on the 'effect' property stored in the parameter node</li></ul>
Image:LandmarkRegistration-4.4.png|The [[Documentation/Nightly/Modules/LandmarkRegistration|LandmarkRegistration]] module was custom designed for interactive registration.
Image:Redview slice view annotations.png|New annotations can be controlled in the [[Documentation/Nightly/Modules/DataProbe|DataProbe]] module. This new feature allows to display corner annotations (with information about the volumes available in the different layers of the Slice Viewer), a color scalar bar and an interactive scaling ruler.
Image:Slicer44-SceneViewGUI.jpeg|The [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/SceneViews|Scene Views]] module GUI updated with better layout.
Image:20141116_SubjectHierarchyAnnouncement.png|The [[Documentation/Nightly/Modules/SubjectHierarchy|Subject hierarchy]] module allows to organize and manipulate data loaded in Slicer.
Image:DownloadFile_3.jpg|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/DataStore|The DataStore]] module allows easy upload and download of MRB files from a Midas server.
Image:ExtensionWizard-and-ExtensionsManager.png|The [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Developers/ExtensionWizard|ExtensionsWizard]] replaces the [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Developers/ModuleWizard|ModuleWizard]]. <ul><li>This new tool separates the concepts of extensions and modules, and allows creating an extension containing several modules, as well as adding modules to an existing extension.</li><li>It allows to publish the extension source code to github.</li><li>It provides an easy way to create a pull request on the extension index.</li></ul>
Image:ExtensionsManager-CheckForUpdate.png|Improved [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/SlicerApplication/ExtensionsManager|ExtensionsManager]]:<ul><li>Improved download to install extension dependencies</li><li>Added search box to the [[Documentation/Nightly/SlicerApplication/ExtensionsManager|ExtensionsManager]]</li><li>Added mechanism to [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/SlicerApplication/ExtensionsManager#Updating_installed_extensions|check for extensions updates either manually or automatically]]</li><li>Added support for [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/SlicerApplication/ExtensionsManager#Installing_an_extension_without_network_connection|Installing extension without network connection]]</li></ul>
<!-- <li>Other tweaks: <ul><li>Add 'More' link</li><li>Implement downloading of extension icons</li></ul></li> -->
Image:SlicerErrorReportDialog.png|All error and warning messages are saved to file. Logged messages for the current and recent sessions are available from the new error report box (menu: Help / Report a bug).
Image:Slicer44-Markups-CoordsCopy.jpeg|Improved [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/Markups|Markups]]  module user interface.<ul><li>Added slice intersections toggle</li><li>Added right click option to copy markups list</li><li>Added coordinates to right click menu</li></ul>
Image:Slicer44-Colors-Continuous-UseColorNamesForLabels.jpeg|Improved [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/Colors|Colors]] module user interface.<ul><li>Support for continuous color maps</li><li>Added an option to use color names as labels on the scalar bar</li></ul>
= Slicer Training =
The [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Training|Slicer Training]] page provides a series of updated tutorials and data sets for training in the use of Slicer {{documentation/version}}.
<gallery caption="New Tutorials" widths="250px" heights="150px" perrow="4">
Image:2014-Slicer-Iowa-crop.png|This is an example of description {{new}}
<!-- You could user either {{new}} or {{updated}} macros. -->
=Slicer Extensions=
<gallery caption="New and Improved Extensions" widths="250px" heights="150px" perrow="4">
Image:AirwaySegmentation-ICON.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/AirwaySegmentation|Airway Segmentation]] to segment the airway from chest CT images.{{updated}}
Image:CardiacAgatstonModuleIamge.png|[http://brainsia.github.io/CardiacAgatstonMeasures/ CardiacAgastonMeasures] to auto-segment the coronary calcium in Cardiac CT scans and then calculate the Agatston score and label statistics {{new}}
Image:CMRTK-logo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/CARMA|Cardiac MRI Toolkit]] to analyze cardiac LGE-MRI images. {{updated}}
Image:CarreraSliceEffect.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/CarreraSliceInteractiveSegmenter|CarreraSliceInteractiveSegmenter]] to interactively segment in 3D {{updated}}
Image:I2M_logo.jpg|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/CBC_3D_I2MConversion|CBC 3D (CRTC's BCC & Compression) I2M (Image-To-Mesh) Conversion]] for Image Guided Therapy. The extension encapsulates two CLI modules: (1) Body Centric Cubic (BCC) Mesh Generation. (2) Mesh Compression (MC). {{new}}
Image:ChangeTracker logo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/ChangeTracker|Change Tracker]] for quantification of the subtle changes in pathology.{{updated}}
Image:CleaverExtension.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/CleaverExtension|CleaverExtension]] extension bundles the Cleaver meshing tool as a CLI module {{new}}
Image:DiceSimilarityCoefficient.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/DiceComputation|Dice Computation]] to calculate the Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) between multiple label map images.{{updated}}
Image:BaselineFollowupSCANRegisteredCMFreg2.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/CMFreg|CMFreg]] is a set of tools package for cranio-maxillofacial registration {{updated}}
Image:CornerAnnotationIcon.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/CornerAnnotation|CornerAnnotation]] is a module to display annotations, time count, node elements on each panels on the Slicer user interface {{updated}}
Image:CurveMakerIcon.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/CurveMaker|CurveMaker]] is a module to generate a curve based on a list of fiducial points. {{new}}
Image:DTIPrep.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/DTIPrep|DTI Prep]]: The DWI/DTI Quality Control Processes from DICOM data to qualified DWI image. {{updated}}
Image:DTIProcess-mj.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/DTIProcess| DTI Process]]: DTI processing and analysis toolkit developed at UNC and University of Utah. Tools in this toolkit include (1) dtiestim, (2) dtiprocess, (3) dtiaverage, (4) fiberprocess and (5) fiberstats. {{updated}}
Image:FastGrowCutEffect.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/FastGrowCut|FastGrowCut]] is an editor effect providing a fast implementation of the GrowCut method that supports multi-label segmentations {{updated}}
Image:FinslerTractography.png|[http://www.nitrc.org/projects/finslertract/|FinslerTractography FinslerTractography] implements the Finsler tractography method with HARDI data as described by J. Melonakos et al., Finsler Active Contours, IEEE Trans PAMI, 30:412-423, 2008. {{new}}
Image:GelDosimetry_Logo_128x128.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/GelDosimetry|GelDosimetryAnalysis]] is a [[Documentation/Nightly/Developers/Slicelets|Slicelet]] covering the gel dosimetry analysis workflow used in commissioning new radiation techniques. {{updated}}
Image:GyroGuide.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/GyroGuide|GyroGuide]] determines the trajectory angle and depth of puncture path, and transmits the calculated information to the probe for real time navigation. {{new}}
Image:IASEM.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/IASEM| IASEM]] to segmentation and process of IASEM Electron Microscopy images.{{updated}}
Image:IGynePyIcon.png|[https://github.com/gpernelle/iGyne iGyne] is an open source software for MR-Guided Interstitial Gynecologic Brachytherapy. {{new}}
Image:IntensitySegmenterIcon.png|[http://www.nitrc.org/projects/dentaltools/ IntensitySegmenter] is a simple tool that segments an image according to intensity value. It is mainly used to segment CT scans using the Hounsfield scale but the ranges of intensities and their corresponding labels can be specified in an input text file. {{updated}}
Image:LightWeightRobotIGT.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/LightWeightRobotIGT|LightWeightRobotIGT]] to manage communication between 3D Slicer and [http://www.kuka-labs.com/de/medical_robotics/projects_studies/ LightWeight] robot. {{new}}
Image:LongitudinalPETCTLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/LongitudinalPETCT| Longitudinal PET/CT]] to provide a user friendly Slicer interface for quantification of DICOM PET/CT image data.{{updated}
Image:MABMIS_Icon.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/MABMIS|MABMIS]]: Multi-Atlas Based Group Segmentation {{new}}
Image:MatlabBridgeLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/MatlabBridge| Matlab Bridge]] to allow running Matlab functions directly in 3D Slicer.{{updated}}
Image:MultidimDataLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/MultidimData|MultidimData]]: A set of modules for generic multidimensional data management in Slicer (0.2.1) {{new}}
Image:NeedleFinder.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/NeedleFinder|NeedleFinder]]: NeedleFinder: fast interactive needle detection. It provides interactive tools to segment needles in MR/CT images. It has been mostly tested on MRI from gynelogical brachytherapy cases. {{new}}
Image:PBNRR_logo.jpg|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/PBNRR|PBNRR]]: This extension encapsulates a CLI module for the Physics-Based Non-Rigid Registration (PBNRR) method. The PBNRR compensates for the brain shift during the Image-Guided Neurosurgery (IGNS). {{new}}
Image:PAAlogo-small.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/PercutaneousApproachAnalysis|PercutaneousApproachAnalysis]]: The Percutaneous Approach Analysis is used to calculate and visualize the accessibility of liver tumor with a percutaneous approach. {{new}}
Image:PerkTutorLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/PerkTutor|PerkTutor]] for training in image-guided needle interventions.{{updated}}
Image:PETDICOMExtension.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/PETDICOM|PETDICOM]]: The PET DICOM Extension provides tools to import PET Standardized Uptake Value images from DICOM into Slicer. {{new}}
Image:PkModeling.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/PkModeling| Pk Modeling]] to calculate quantitative parameters from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced DCE-MRI images.{{updated}}
Image:Portplacement_icon.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/PortPlacement| Port Placement]] to assists in the planning of surgical port placement in laparoscopic procedures.{{updated}}
Image:PyDevRemoteDebugExtension.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/PyDevRemoteDebug|PyDevRemoteDebug]]: This extension allows remote visual debugging of Python scripts using PyDev (http://pydev.org/) {{new}}
Image:ReportingLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/Reporting|Reporting]] to create image annotations/markup that are stored in a structured form.{{updated}}
Image:ResectionPlannerLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/ResectionPlanner|ResectionPlanner]]: Modules for surgical resection planning. {{new}}
<!-- Image:RSSExtension.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/RSSExtension|RSSExtension]]: User draw some initial seeds, this module perform an interative segmentation in 3D volume. {{new}} -->
Image:ScoliosisLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/Scoliosis|Scoliosis]]: Extensions pertaining to scoliosis analysis {{updated}}
Image:ShapePopulationViewer.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/ShapePopulationViewer|ShapePopulationViewer]]: Visualize and interact with multiple surfaces at the same time to easily compare them {{updated}}
Image:SlicerExtension-VMTK.png|http://slicer.vmtk.org/ SlicerExtension-VMTK]: The Vascular Modeling Toolkit as a 3D Slicer4 extension. {{new}}
Image:SlicerIGTLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/SlicerIGT|SlicerIGT]] to use all the advanced features of 3D Slicer for real-time navigation.{{updated}}
Image:SlicerRT Logo 2.0 128x128.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/SlicerRT|SlicerRT]] is a tool for powerful radiotherapy research. {{updated}}
Image:TCIABrowser_logo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/TCIABrowser|TCIABrowser]]: A Module to connect to TCIA archive, browse the collections, patients and studies and download DICOM files to 3D Slicer. {{new}}
Image:TrackerStabilizer.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/TrackerStabilizer|Tracker Stabilizer]] to output a filtered transform node based on an tracker input (transform node).{{updated}}
Image:UKFTractography.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/UKFTractography|UKF Tractography]] a framework which uses an unscented Kalman filter for performing tractography.{{updated}}
Image:VolumeClipLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/VolumeClip|VolumeClip]]: Clip volumes with surface models and ROI boxes {{new}}
Image:WindowLevelEffectLogo.png|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/WindowLevelEffect|Window/Level Effect]] to adjust window/level for volumes using mouse and/or region of interest.{{updated}}
Image:XNATSlicerIcon.jpg|[[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/XNATSlicer| XNAT Slicer]] Secure GUI-based IO with any XNAT server.{{updated}}
<!-- You could user either {{new}} or {{updated}} macros. -->
== Extensions removed ==
* [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/DataStore|DataStore]]: The module is now bundled in the regular Slicer distribution.
* PathPlanner and VisualLine: Module PathXplorer available in [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/SlicerIGT|SlicerIGT]] extension provides similar functionality.
* PlusRemote: Moved PlusRemote module under [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/SlicerIGT|SlicerIGT]] extension. Because PlusRemote depends on SlicerIGT, and is always used together with the other SlicerIGT modules.
* TransformVisualizer: The feature has been moved to the Slicer core. See [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Modules/Transforms|Transforms]] module.
== Extensions renamed ==
* PyDevRemoteDebug -> [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/DebuggingTools|DebuggingTools]]
* MultidimData -> [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/Sequences|Sequences]]
* TrackerStabilizer -> [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/TrackerStabilizer|Slicer-TrackerStabilizer]]
* AirwaySegmentation -> [[Documentation/{{documentation/version}}/Extensions/AirwaySegmentation|Slicer-AirwaySegmentation]]
= Other Improvements, Additions & Documentation =
== Optimization ==
* Improved performance of the rendering pipeline by optimizing observations management
* Reduced the memory footprint by fixing memory leaks
* Reduced the size of the installer
* Faster loading of the image stack (png, jpg, bmp, tiff...)
== Rendering / Visualization ==
* Added Multi-sampling option
== CLI / SlicerExecutionModel ==
* Improved [http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/482 CLI AutoRun] by ensuring that the slice view is not reset when inputs are updated.
* CLI input and output files are not removed when in developer mode
* Reduced the chance of crashes when CLI returns result images
== Python scripting ==
* Added support for real Qt resources in Python (see [http://viewvc.slicer.org/viewvc.cgi/Slicer4?view=revision&revision=23290 r23290] for details).
* Improved VTK event support by adding a way to specify the CallData type (see [https://github.com/Kitware/VTK/blob/0ed018620d0a3187ee2ed2831843132ca3337c97/Wrapping/Python/README_WRAP.txt#L266-296 here] for details).
* Bundled [http://code.google.com/p/pydicom/ pydicom] python module into the Slicer package
* Added helper methods to <code>ScriptedLoadableModuleLogic</code> for managing parameter nodes
* SelfTest: Added the <code>clickAndDrag()</code> method to the scripted module construct. It allows to send synthetic mouse events to the widget specified ([http://slicer.org/doc/html/classqMRMLSliceWidget.html qMRMLSliceWidget] or [http://slicer.org/doc/html/classqMRMLThreeDView.html qMRMLThreeDView])
* Improvements to the <code>slicer.util</code> python module.
** Added <code>modulePath(moduleName)</code> method
** Added <code>resetThreeDViews/resetSliceViews</code>
** Added <code>VTKObservationMixin</code>
** Added <code>getFirstNodeByClassAndName()</code>
** Added <code>NodeModify</code> context manager: It allows to easily disable modified event associated with a node, and automatically re-enable them and invoking them if it applies.
* Markups: Added an event called [http://slicer.org/doc/html/classvtkMRMLMarkupsNode.html#a527d30c581763822ef32fc14b2ab5a94ad628dfaf54f410d2f4c6bc5800aa8a30 PointEndInteractionEvent] for marking the end of a fiducial interaction
* Reference information for how to write VTK filters and algorithms in python:
** The [http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/737 vtkPythonAlgorithm] is great
** [http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/752 A VTK pipeline primer (part 1)]: Explains how VTK’s pipeline works in more detail: <code>vtkInformation</code>, <code>vtkInformationVector</code> and <code>VTKPythonAlgorithmBase</code>
** [http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/757 A VTK pipeline primer (part 2)]: Dissecting the execution path to understand the inner-workings of algorithms: <code>RequestInformation</code>
** [http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/766 A VTK pipeline primer (part 3)]: Explains how <code>RequestUpdateExtent</code> and <code>RequestData</code> work.
== Other ==
* Help / Report a bug: Application error/warning/debug log messages are now saved to file. Added option to copy/paste log file contents of recent Slicer sessions to bug reports.
= For Developers =
== Under the hood ==
* VolumeLogic:
** Added method [http://slicer.org/doc/html/classvtkSlicerVolumesLogic.html#a1fe71cc716593ac47988e71bdee736c9 ResampleVolumeToReferenceVolume]
** Added method [http://slicer.org/doc/html/classvtkSlicerVolumesLogic.html#ab852b66dc8108a8a544b845c0e055109 CloneVolumeWithoutImageData]
* Added support for user-defined stereo-viewing options
* Build-system
** Improved support for Visual Studio 2013
** Refactored management of external project launcher settings. See [http://viewvc.slicer.org/viewvc.cgi/Slicer4?view=revision&revision=23724 r23724]
** Added option <code>Slicer_ITKV3_COMPATIBILITY</code>. This option enabled by default will allow (if disabled) to build Slicer with ITKv3 compatibility later disabled and <code>ITK_USE_64BITS_IDS</code> enabled.
* SlicerExecutionModel: Added [https://github.com/Slicer/SlicerExecutionModel/pull/20#issue-18339466 ParameterSerializer support].
<gallery caption="Improved Toolkits" widths="350px" heights="250px" perrow="3">
Image:CTK-Logo.png|Moved from CTK [https://github.com/commontk/CTK/commit/f64b68a f64b68a] to [https://github.com/commontk/CTK/commit/1c97e54 1c97e54] (499 commits) <!-- git log --oneline f64b68acd717dab060db41e8bee3f0f30df1a58f...1c97e5426f898bc7d074e6122992d0dd12bab56b --no-merges | wc -l -->
Image:CTKApplauncher_Logo.png|Moved from CTKAppLauncher v0.1.11 to v0.1.14 (43 commits) <!-- git log --oneline v0.1.11..v0.1.14 --no-merges | wc -l -->
Image:ITK_logo.png|Moved from ITK v4.4.1 to v4.6.0 (1089 commits) <!-- git log --oneline v4.4.1..56fae27 --no-merges | wc -l -->
Image:OpenIGTLink-Logo.png|Moved from OpenIGTLink [https://github.com/openigtlink/OpenIGTLink/compare/66e272d...849b434 66e272d to 849b434] (53 commits) <!-- git log --no-merges  --oneline  66e272d..849b434 | wc -l -->
Image:Qt-logo.png |Moved from Qt 4.7.4 to Qt 4.8.6
Image:VTK_logo.png|Moved from VTK v5.10.1 to VTK v6.2.0 (5490 commits) <!-- git log --oneline v5.10.1..b55dad7 --no-merges | wc -l -->
== Looking at the Code Changes ==
From a git checkout you can easily see the all the commits since the time of the 4.4.0 release:
git log v4.3.0..HEAD
To see a summary of your own commits, you could use something like:
git log v4.3.0..HEAD  --oneline --author=pieper
see [https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-log.html the git log man page] for more options.
[[Release_Details#Slicer_{{documentation/version}}.0|Commit stats and full changelog]]
= Related Projects =
<gallery caption="" widths="250px" heights="150px" perrow="3">

Latest revision as of 05:24, 27 October 2017

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