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= Paolo Zaffino =
='''Paolo Zaffino'''=
My name is Paolo Zaffino, I am a biomedical engineer and I work as an assistant professor a Magna Graecia University, Catanzaro, Italy.
[[File:Paolo Zaffino.jpg|thumb]]
I got my PhD in 2015.
Paolo Zaffino received both his master’s degree cum laude (2011) in Biomedical Engineering and his PhD degree (2015) in Bioengineering from Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro (Italy).
I joined namic community in 2013.
I work on image registration, image segmentation, and deep learning solutions for medical applications, in particualr for radiotherapy.
After 4 years (September 2015 - July 2019) as a PostDoc fellow and contractor Professor at the same University, since August 2019 he is assistant professor of Biomedical Engineering.
During his PhD he was also a visiting fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital, – Harvard Medical School in Boston (USA). His main topics of interest are in the field of medical image processing,
exploiting machine and deep learning techniques, for clinical applications in diagnosis, radiotherapy and image guided surgery.
He attended several international conferences and workshops about these topics. His current international collaborations include Harvard Medical School, (Boston, USA), German Cancer Center –DKFZ (Heidelberg, Germany), University Medical Center Groningen - UMCG (Groningen, Netherlands) and University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology - UMIT (Hall in Tirol, Austria).
He is a member of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC) and of European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), where he was awarded with a travel grant for pursuing his research collaboration with UMCG.
Paolo joined NAMIC community in 2013 and, in 2017, served as local organizing committee for the 25th Slicer Project Week, held in Catanzaro, Italy.
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=== Links: ===
* [https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=lOvu6lAAAAAJ&hl=it&oi=ao Google scholar]
* [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paolo_Zaffino Research gate]
* [https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0219-0157 ORCID]
* [https://github.com/pzaffino GitHub]
* [http://dmsc.unicz.it/personale/docente/paolozaffino University webpage]

Latest revision as of 20:50, 5 June 2020

Paolo Zaffino

Paolo Zaffino.jpg

Paolo Zaffino received both his master’s degree cum laude (2011) in Biomedical Engineering and his PhD degree (2015) in Bioengineering from Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro (Italy).

After 4 years (September 2015 - July 2019) as a PostDoc fellow and contractor Professor at the same University, since August 2019 he is assistant professor of Biomedical Engineering.

During his PhD he was also a visiting fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital, – Harvard Medical School in Boston (USA). His main topics of interest are in the field of medical image processing,

exploiting machine and deep learning techniques, for clinical applications in diagnosis, radiotherapy and image guided surgery.

He attended several international conferences and workshops about these topics. His current international collaborations include Harvard Medical School, (Boston, USA), German Cancer Center –DKFZ (Heidelberg, Germany), University Medical Center Groningen - UMCG (Groningen, Netherlands) and University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology - UMIT (Hall in Tirol, Austria).

He is a member of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC) and of European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), where he was awarded with a travel grant for pursuing his research collaboration with UMCG.

Paolo joined NAMIC community in 2013 and, in 2017, served as local organizing committee for the 25th Slicer Project Week, held in Catanzaro, Italy.
