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Home < Slicer3:Contributing codes to Slicer3


The goal of this page is to give quick instruction to download Slicer3 from Subversion Control (SVN) server, and contribute codes by committing them back to SVN.

How to obtain Slicer 3 codes from SVN

The Slicer3 svn repository sits in a server at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. You can checkout codes by:

svn co http://www.na-mic.org/svn/Slicer3/trunk Slicer3

You don't need to obtain an account discussed below if you don't commit codes back to the sever, but we enthusiastically invite you to do so.

How to commit codes

First, fill the form at https://www.kitware.com/Admin/SendPassword.cgi and under Comment type "Request password for Slicer". Once you have access to write to SVN, you can work with repository using the following commands:

To update repository:

svn update

To check current state of your edits:

svn status

To check the current state compared to the repository:

svn -u status

To add new file:

svn add filename

followed by (very important):

svn commit -m"ENH: Adding a new file" filename

To remove file:

svn remove filename

To rename file:

svn move oldname newname

If the update results in conflict, fix the file first before commiting it.

Once you have fixed the file:

svn resolved <filename>

GUI tools for eash SVN handling

It is handy to use GUI tool for SVN. I particulary like a cross-platform GUI tool called RapidSVN.