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This work is part of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149. Information on NA-MIC can be obtained from the [http://www.na-mic.org/ NA-MIC website].<br>
This work was funded by the ARRA Supplement to the Neuroimage Analysis Center (NAC), funded by the National Institutes of Health. Information on NAC can be obtained from the [http://nac.spl.harvard.edu/pages/Overview NAC website].<br>
Author: Kilian Pohl, UPenn <br>
Contributor1: Daniel Haehn, UPENN<br>
Contact: Kilian Pohl, <email>pohl.kilian@gmail.com</email><br>
Contact: FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, <email>john@doe.org</email><br>
|Image:Logo-isomics.png|Isomics, Inc. <- Replace this logo with yours
|Image:UPenn-logo.png|University of Pennsylvania
|Image:Logo-splnew.jpg|Surgical Planning Laboratory   <-Replace this logo with yours
|Image:Logo-splnew.jpg|Surgical Planning Laboratory  

Revision as of 19:32, 23 November 2011

Home < Documentation < 4.0 < Modules < EMSegment Easy

Introduction and Acknowledgements

This work was funded by the ARRA Supplement to the Neuroimage Analysis Center (NAC), funded by the National Institutes of Health. Information on NAC can be obtained from the NAC website.
Author: Kilian Pohl, UPenn
Contributor1: Daniel Haehn, UPENN
Contact: Kilian Pohl, <email>pohl.kilian@gmail.com</email>

University of Pennsylvania  
Surgical Planning Laboratory  

Note The section above is generated using the following wiki code:

{{documentation/{{documentation/version}}/module-section|Introduction and Acknowledgements}}
This work is part of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149. Information on NA-MIC can be obtained from the [http://www.na-mic.org/ NA-MIC website].<br>
Contact: FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, <email>john@doe.org</email><br>
|Image:Logo-isomics.png|Isomics, Inc. <- Replace this logo with yours
|Image:Logo-splnew.jpg|Surgical Planning Laboratory   <-Replace this logo with yours

Module Description

Here comes a description what the module is good for. Explain briefly how it works and point to the references giving more details on the algorithm.

If you are documenting a CLI, the description should be extracted from the corresponding XML description. This could be done automatically using the following wiki template:

{{documentation/{{documentation/version}}/module-description|xmlurl=http://path/to/YOURMODULE.xml }}

If your module is available in Slicer repository, the following template could be useful to obtain the corresponding URL:


Using this later template, the final syntax would be:

{{documentation/{{documentation/version}}/module-description|xmlurl={{documentation/{{documentation/version}}/module-cli-xmlurl|{{documentation/modulename}}|SVNREVISION}} }}

Use Cases

Most frequently used for these scenarios:

  • Use Case 1:
  • Use Case 2:


Links to tutorials that use this module

Panels and their use

A list of all the panels in the interface, their features, what they mean, and how to use them. For instance:

  • Input panel1:
    • First input
    • Second input
  • Parameters panel:
    • First parameter
    • Second parameter
  • Output panel:
    • First output
    • Second output
  • Viewing panel:
Name of panel 1
  • Input panel2:
    • First input
    • Second input
  • Parameters panel:
    • First parameter
    • Second parameter
  • Output panel:
    • First output
    • Second output
  • Viewing panel:
Name of panel 2

Similar Modules

  • Point to other modules that have similar functionality


Publications related to this module go here. Links to pdfs would be useful. For extensions: link to the source code repository and additional documentation

Information for Developers

Note The section above is generated using the following wiki code:

{{documentation/{{documentation/version}}/module-section|Information for Developers}}

If you are documenting a CLI, the category should be extracted from the corresponding XML description. This could be done automatically using the following wiki template:

{{documentation/{{documentation/version}}/module-category|xmlurl=http://path/to/YOURMODULENAME.xml }}

If your module is available in Slicer repository, the following template could be useful to obtain the corresponding URL:


Using this later template, the final syntax would be:

{{documentation/{{documentation/version}}/module-category|xmlurl={{documentation/{{documentation/version}}/module-cli-xmlurl|{{documentation/modulename}}|SVNREVISION}} }}